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cratebeneath true cratebeneathismoney true

Renegade edited this page Dec 4, 2011 · 1 revision

CrateBeneath=true CrateBeneathIsMoney=true

This specification was automatically generated from a feature request imported into Ares's LaunchPad bugtracker. If you are interested in fleshing out this feature, please update this page.

Original Request

  1. This doesn't work if the owner of said structure has no house.

  2. It works obviously if it has a house which has a very useful side effect - donate powers possible and works with crates off. Unfortunatly a nasty side effect occurs if crates on.

1 extra crate is spawned on the map ignoring CrateMinimum=1



[GACNST] SuperWeapon=DonateSpecial SpySat=yes

; Donate logic [DUMMY] Name=Placeholder Strength=1 Armor=special_2 RadarVisible=no RadarInvisible=yes Primary=none Selectable=no ClickRepairable=no Artillary=yes Repairable=no LegalTarget=no Insignificant=yes Nominal=no TechLevel=-1 Adjacent=0 BaseNormal=no Sight=0 Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance,Russians,Confederation,Africans,Arabs,YuriCountry DieSound=CrateMoney Cost=0 Points=0 Power=0 Capturable=false Spyable=false Crewed=no ThreatPosed=0 SpecialThreatValue=1 CrateBeneath=true CrateBeneathIsMoney=true AIBuildThis=no

[DonateSpecial] UIName=NOSTR:Donate Name=Donate IsPowered=false RechargeTime=.5 Type=UnitDelivery SW.Deliver=DUMMY SW.DeliverBuildups=no Money.Amount=-2000 SidebarImage=XXXICON FlashSidebarTabFrames=0 ShowTimer=no DisableableFromShell=no AIDefendAgainst=no Action=Custom Cursor.Frame=480 Cursor.Count=9 Cursor.Interval=2 Cursor.MiniFrame=42 Cursor.MiniCount=10


[DUMMY] Foundation=1x1 ActiveAnim=KILLANIM

[KILLANIM] Image=NULL Damage=1000

Play a map and keep on spamming this super weapon and check the number of crates on map which are randomly generated. It will go further then one.


CrateBeneath=true CrateBeneathIsMoney=true should not affect


Specification details


  • This needs to be filled by a supporter/drafter of this specification.

Suggestions / Notes

  • This needs to be filled by a supporter/drafter of this specification.

See also

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