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passenrger ejection throw weapon

Renegade edited this page Dec 4, 2011 · 1 revision

passenrger ejection throw weapon

This specification was automatically generated from a feature request imported into Ares's LaunchPad bugtracker. If you are interested in fleshing out this feature, please update this page.

Original Request

make the passenger eject (gets out of the transport) throw it's main weapon the fired weapon will display the projectile and when it hits the ground the passengers are boosted out of the projectile (think of it like a passenger inside the porjectile). for the warhead a dealy is needed when the porjectile hit's the ground it doesn't blow up instead the warhead will have delay in frames before it blows up. Note the the Damage of the weapon may harm the passenger so it's good to make it zero.

Specification details


  • This needs to be filled by a supporter/drafter of this specification.

Suggestions / Notes

  • This needs to be filled by a supporter/drafter of this specification.

See also

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