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A (nearly) pure Ray Tracing Project for Python

This work is based off the books Ray Tracing: the Next Week by Peter Shirley but ported to Python

dependencies include:

  1. pypy3 (note all other dependencies must be installed within pypy3)
  2. numpy
  3. matplotlib
  4. tqdm
  5. noise

Quickstart guide:

  1. Install Anaconda
  2. conda env create -f environment.yaml
  3. conda activate PyTrace_env
  4. pypy3 -m ensurepip
  5. if on mac you may need to fake a linked library described here
  6. pypy3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. pypy3

Technically, you can run w/o pypy3 installed but it is very slow w/o the JIT compilation, as seen below

PyTrace_Next_Week Benchmark:

Note: Iterations per second are how many output pixels are processed per second

W/ Cornell Box Rotated:

2048 spp

800 x 800

Standard Implementation w/ PyPy

avg: 116.79 it/s

time: 1:31:19

W/ Final Scene:

2048 spp

800 x 800

Standard Implementaiton w/ Pypy

avg: N/A

time: ~ 3 Hours