Inspired by koa-respond. Checkout what's the difference.
$ yarn add koa-response2
import Koa, { ParameterizedContext } from 'koa'
import koaReponse from 'koa-response2'
const app = new Koa()
export default function (ctx: ParameterizedContext) {
ctx.oK({ id: 123, name: 'Dat Boi' }) // HTTP Code: 200, Response: { id: 123, name: 'Dat Boi' }
ctx.notFound('Not found, boii') // HTTP Code: 404, Response: 'Not found, boii'
ctx.internalServerError('error') // HTTP Code: 500, Response: 'error'
ctx.send(200, { name: 'tom' }, 'success')
export interface KoaResponse {
statusMap?: Record<string, number>
format?: (status: number, payload?: any, message?: string) => any
- Type:
- Required:
Override built-in HTTP status map, e.g.:
import Koa, { ParameterizedContext } from 'koa'
import koaReponse from 'koa-response2'
const app = new Koa()
statusMap: {
whatever: 999
ctx.whatever(data, message)
For better typing experience, you should override declaration file like this.
- Type:
- Required:
Modify HTTP response globally, e.g.:
import Koa, { ParameterizedContext } from 'koa'
import koaReponse from 'koa-response2'
const app = new Koa()
// This will wrap all reponse with { code: number, data: T: message?: string } construct.
format (status, payload, message = '') {
return {
code: status,
data: payload,
is inspired by koa-respond, so what's the difference between the two?
- Better typescript typing experience
- Ability to modify response globally
- Comprehensive built-in HTTP status API
add bulk APIs on koa.Context, you can see the whole list below.
name | code |
oK | 200 |
created | 201 |
accepted | 202 |
nonAuthoritativeInformation | 203 |
partialContent | 206 |
multipleChoices | 300 |
badRequest | 400 |
unauthorized | 401 |
paymentRequired | 402 |
forbidden | 403 |
notFound | 404 |
methodNotAllowed | 405 |
notAcceptable | 406 |
requestTimeout | 408 |
conflict | 409 |
gone | 410 |
lengthRequired | 411 |
preconditionFailed | 412 |
payloadTooLarge | 413 |
requestURITooLong | 414 |
unsupportedMediaType | 415 |
requestedRangeNotSatisfiable | 416 |
expectationFailed | 417 |
imATeapot | 418 |
misdirectedRequest | 421 |
unprocessableEntity | 422 |
locked | 423 |
failedDependency | 424 |
upgradeRequired | 426 |
preconditionRequired | 428 |
tooManyRequests | 429 |
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | 431 |
unavailableForLegalReasons | 451 |
internalServerError | 500 |
notImplemented | 501 |
badGateway | 502 |
serviceUnavailable | 503 |
gatewayTimeout | 504 |
hTTPVersionNotSupported | 505 |
variantAlsoNegotiates | 506 |
insufficientStorage | 507 |
loopDetected | 508 |
notExtended | 510 |
networkAuthenticationRequired | 511 |
networkConnectTimeoutError | 599 |
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