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Dev Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
  • git clone or git clone

  • Github CLI: gh repo clone Arnav-2004/untitled-bot

  1. cd untitled-bot/ and create a new branch: git checkout -b <name of your new local branch> main or git switch -c <name of your new local branch> main

  2. Using poetry

Install poetry: pip install -U poetry

# Install the project and development dependencies
poetry install

# Install the pre-commit hooks
poetry run task precommit

poetry run task lint

# Run the source code
poetry run task bot
  1. Using Docker (Recommended):

Install Docker: Follow the official documentation

Install docker-compose: pip install -U docker-compose

# Make sure docker service is running before executing the following command.
docker-compose up --build

# use -d flag for detached mode
docker-compose up

# Use Ctrl+C if not in detached mode
docker-compose stop

# Use -v or --volumes flag to remove volumes
docker-compose down
  1. Lint and format your code using poetry run task lint and push the changes git push -u origin <name of your remote branch>