Vatu Native a ANSI-C variant Compiler for 16 bits intel and amd processors. The Language was simply designed to support the basics of the C langage and simplify it. This project was based on Cosmos assembler (some classes of Vasm and BSN Gold Parser for c#).
The compiler simply converts a Vatu input to 16 bits Intel Assembly output (for NASM) ready to be assembled.
Namespaces, Global, Local variables, Register operations, Assembly statements, Flow Control Statements (return,goto,goto case,continue,next,break,exit), Iteration and Conditional Statements, Operators overloading, Struct, Union, Delegates, Enumerators and Classes Multiple return types, Custom defined operators (new operators ready to be overloaded), Arrays, Properties (getter/setter accessors), Anonymous Method Expressions
Fix bugs
Language was authored by Arsslen Idadi The compiler was developed at Arsslensoft Research by Abd Al Moez (Test) and Arsslen