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Nordpool 'additional_cost'

Tired of calculating/changing templates for Nordpool-spot price additional cost? Look no further. This Template extension for home assistant makes additional_cost calculations easy!

By updating the correct data in this repository and updating to your HA through HACS, my goal is that we don't have to individually update addtional_cost in our HA-instances -> one should only use HACAS to update to the last version of this template!


Petro31's easy-time-jinja
Kemon - github-wizardry :)
Erlend Sellie, both for the Priceanalyzer-integration but also a lot of help on templating and structure :)


This is a community concept,, under no cercomstanceas can I take responsability for not updated templates or wrong calculations. If you are worried - make a fork and create your own - or just close the browser and find anonther solution ;)

Concept; add HACS-downloadable re-usable templates/macros

Two HA-integrations fetch Nordpool-spot prices ('current_price'); Nordpool and Priceanalyzer. On top of that 'current_price' there come additional costs, which contains many components that constantly seem to change :( So when a number of state fees and power subsidy constantly change, power transport company have night/day tarrifs that often change, and power-broker-company change their markup,, how do you keep the actual total power-cost pr hour in your future planning?

We use this repo to gather and create good re-usable template(s) which is updated with:

  • country level fees/subsidies
  • power distributor fees/subsidies Then the template provides some inputs (including power-broker-markup), and out you get the full price you have to pay each hour (including next-day price)


  • Spot-price = the actual cost of power,, decided hourly on the Nordpool spot market. Prices provided for this and next day
  • Broker = the company that sell you power. They buy from Nordpool (perhaps via hedges/futures, long term contracts or spot), but sell to you on spot + broker_fee
  • BrokerFee = the markup your broker takes in addition to the spot price for selling you that actual power
  • Transport = cost-element for transportation of power to your location. Separate company/billing-features (at least in norway
  • Transporter = The company that transport the power to you house.
  • Norway State fees = elavgift, enova-avgift, mva
  • Norway subsidy = governemnt subsidy to private individuals when the spot price is above certain level. Only applicable for an individuals main residence
  • re-usable template


  • Install this in HACS (you need to manually add this repository,, this is a custom-level HACS-template)
  • or download the nordpool_additional_cost.jinja from this repository and place the files into your config\custom_templates directory.

PS: you need to enable HACS-experimental features (to enable downloading templates) and then select "template" when adding repository.


.. new versions will show up in HA as updates (requirement= HACS-install),, just click update and latest version will be downloaded. Please remember to refresh template after downloading new version ??

Re-usable Templates:


add_cost returns the additional cost given the right requested function. For example, if you request price with broker fee and state fee, select function-X

Argument Type Default Example Description
function string none transport_broker_add (Required) Selected function to present. See list of functions below.
transporter ?? - no_linja_m (Required) Select transporter for transport-cost. Aee list of functions below.
broker_fee float none `0.029 float/1.25`
timeslot datetime none now().hour (Required) The hour of when add_cost should be calculated.
timeslot_price string from nordpool/ priceanalyzer curr_price (Required) Must be price for your area without VAT.
price_in_cents boolean False True (required) If your integration is set up with prices in cents, mark True so the template can calculate right additional cost.
output_vat boolean False True (required) If you want output to be including VAT, set true.


{%- set curr_price = current_price %}
{%- set config = {
"function"       : "price_subz_tb_sf_vat_pure",
"transporter" 	 : "no_linja_m",
"brokerfee"      : 0.029|float/1.25,
"timeslot"       : now(),
"timeslot_price" : curr_price,
"price_in_cents" : true,
"output_vat"     : true
} -%}

{% from 'nordpool_additional_cost.jinja' import nac %} 
{{ nac(config)}}


Functions come in two types;

  • 'add' is to add the actual calculation as 'additional_cost' in Nordpool-/Priceanalyzer-sensor. Use this also for template sensors or other calculations,, will give the price according to cost the current hour
  • while 'pure' is to use NP/PA to return the price but for specific calculation only - not concidering the price in Nordpool-/Priceanalyzer-sensor for the next day. (use 'pure' in test or buildup of graph showing levels/cost-structure.
Function Type Description
transport add Return Transport for given timeslot/hour
transport_broker add Return Transport and BrokerFee for given timeslot/hour
transport_broker_pure pure Reduce NP/PA-spot to show only the fulctuations in cost on transport+broker during the day ahead
subsidy add Return subsidy for given timeslot/hour
price_subsidized add Return subsidized price for given timeslot/hour
price_subz_tb add Return subsidized price with transport and brookerfee for given timeslot/hour
price_subz_tb_sf_vat_pure pure calculate addition to NP/PA-spot to show full electricity-price the day ahead


Transport-companies: Areas have different companies delivering power, and each of them have a different price structure. Prices are higly regulated given theyr monopoly-situation, so they have to change their prices according to their cost-base etc etc quite often. This is the list of added 'Transporters', with link to the actual price-book used when adding the price(s). If price is wrong/not updated,, please raise an issue/PR

Transporter Description Pricebook
no_linja_m Norway Mørenett Linja-Mørenett
no_tensio_s Norway Tensio south Tensio-sør
no_elvia Norway Elvia Elvia


Add your broker's fee: Add a float representing the markup upon the spot-price you have in your deal with you broker. Ideally this would be a reference to a template sensor/input that you can change outside templates

  # Set value for your power-brokers markup-fee upon Nordpool-spot.
  # It should be added to a card to be edited from GUI
    name: Nordpool Additional Cost broker_fee
    initial: 0.0232
    min: -20
    max: 35

then you need to point the main-macro to that sensor

"brokerfee"      : states('input_number.nordpool_additional_cost_broker_fee'),

Example for test in HA DeveloperTools / Template:

  1. Create a Priceanalyzer or a Nordpool-sensor with nothing as additional cost
  2. Then adjust first line in sample-template to the name of your sensor
  3. add this code in SDevelopment tools / template, and you will get the return-value of the function you have specified. (select the last variable as the "function" you want to return
{% set current_price = (states('sensor.nordpool')|float) %}
{%- set curr_price = current_price %}
{%- set config = {
  "function"       : "price_subz_tb_sf_vat_pure",
  "transporter" 	 : "no_linja_m",
  "brokerfee"      : states('input_number.nordpool_additional_cost_broker_fee'),
  "timeslot"       : now(),
  "timeslot_price" : curr_price,
  "price_in_cents" : true,
  "output_vat"     : true
} -%}

{% from 'nordpool_additional_cost.jinja' import nac %} 
{{ nac(config)}}

Example for creation of a template sensor:

  1. Create a Priceanalyzer or a Nordpool-sensor with nothing as additional cost
  2. Then adjust first line in sample-template to the name of your sensor
  3. add this code in 'configuration.yaml', packages-folder, gui-template-creator or whatever tool you have to create template-sensor
  - sensor:
      - name: Nordpool Additional Cost
        state: >
          {% set current_price = (states('sensor.nordpool')|float) %}
          {%- set curr_price = current_price %}
          {%- set config = {
            "function"       : "price_subz_tb_sf_vat_pure",
            "transporter" 	 : "no_linja_m",
            "brokerfee"      : states('input_number.nordpool_additional_cost_broker_fee'),
            "timeslot"       : now(),
            "timeslot_price" : curr_price,
            "price_in_cents" : true,
            "output_vat"     : true
          } -%}
          {% from 'nordpool_additional_cost.jinja' import nac %} 
          {{ nac(config)}}


  1. Must have Nordpool or Priceanalyzer installed, both use same method of adding additional_cost so they can piggyback on the cost-calculation this template (hopfully) can provide
  2. HACS to get updates, set to experimental mode to enable add/download templates
  3. HA-core >= 2023.4 (to enable reusable-templates function released there)
  4. Community focus on updating
    • There are many different countrys with separate cost-structures, and


Q: Why is a change in the macro/template not updated/refleceted in the dev/tools or sensors? A: Have you remembered to refresh the jinja2-templates?
image Q: Why is a my supplier not listed ? A: All in due time,,, Have you raised an issue with a link to your suppliers name/pricebook? - or perhaps create a PR with the additional config for your supplier ;)
Q: Why is only Norway functioning ? A: All in due time,,, Have not got any data on fee-structure for other contries,, Please raise an issue with descriptions a link to your suppliers name/pricebook? - or perhaps create a PR with the additional config for your supplier ;)

Tested combination of Country/Power-distributor:

see 'Transporters'



2023-08- started working on re-usable templats - which was new functionality from HA 2023.4 2023-10 -