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Changes applied on Apache CloudStack

Rafael Weingärtner edited this page May 12, 2016 · 1 revision

This page describes the jars to be added to the CloudStack and the changes that will be applied to its database in order to run the Autonomiccs platform.

Jar files

Autonomiccs platform uses seven (7) jar files that need to be added to the CloudStack classpath. The jar names of the autonomic manager are:

  • autonomic-administration-algorithms
  • autonomic-administration-plugin
  • autonomic-algorithms-commons
  • autonomic-allocation-algorithms
  • autonomic-plugin-common
  • starthost-plugin
  • wakeonlan-service

There are also some dependencies that need to be included:

  • commons-math
  • spring-integration-core
  • spring-jdbc
  • spring-tx

CloudStack database

Autonomiccs platform needs the following changes in the CloudStack database.

Table host

To work properly, the autonomic manager needs to add two (2) columns into `' table.

  • 'administration_status' column: it was added to mark if the host is activated, or if it was powered off by the Autonomiccs platform, failed to start ('FailedToStart') or to shut down ('FailedToShutDown'). It might be `null' if the host has not been powered off or been started by our solution;
  • 'start_type' column: it indicates if the host is started using 'WakeOnLan' or a custom 'Script'. This column is not designed to have any null value. The default value is 'WakeOnLan'.

Table cluster

We added two (2) new columns to this table.

  • 'administration_status' column: it shows if a management agent is acting on a cluster or not;
  • 'last_administration' column: it stores the date that the Autonomiccs platform managed the respective cluster for the last time.

Table configuration

A row is added to represent a configuration used to define the algorithm that our agents use.

  • Row with 'component' field as `autonomiccs.clustermanager.algorithm': this row allows administrators to configure which algorithm the manager agent must use.

Table AutonomiccsSystemVm

This table is added to the CloudStack database, it is similar to 'console_proxy', 'secondary_storage_vm' and 'domain_router' tables. This table is used to save data related to system VM instantiated to provide services as the start hosts one.