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Gabriel Beims Bräscher edited this page Apr 9, 2017 · 17 revisions

Before the install guide, be awere that some changes will happen on the Apache CloudStack database, also there are jars that will be added. Those changes are detailed at the Changes applied on Apache CloudStack.

This process needs to be executed from the host in which the ACS is installed:

  • download the installation package master, latest stable;
  • provide execution permission (chmod u+x) for the script and execute it. The script moves Autonomiccs jar files to the CloudStack classpath and adds a spring configuration into CloudStack 'cloud-core' jar to spring-bootstrap-context-inheritable.xml file. That configuration allows the integration of Autonomiccs with CloudsStack work flow by configuring aspect-oriented programming (AOP) with Spring pointcuts to create proxies;

Running the install script

The script does the following steps:

  • if the Apache CloudStack service is running, it aborts the install process and prints the message "CloudStack is running, please stop the CloudStack service before installing Autonomiccs platform!";
  • it presents a message asking if the Apache CloudStack jars are located in the default path ("CloudStack jars files are in the default directory [/usr/share/cloudstack-management/webapps/client/WEB-INF/lib/]? (y/n)"), press 'y' to proceed; otherwise, it will ask for the CloudStack directory; be sure that the directory exists and is the right one. If the directory does not exist the script will exit";
  • it creates a backup of the CloudStack cloud-core jar;
  • the script will also modify the cloud-core jar, configuring pointcuts to use AOP with Spring;
  • and then it runs the script that moves jar files named (see Jar files) to the CloudStack lib directory.

Note that to configure the database (in order to apply the changes in CloudStack database) it is not required any script, all is done by the Autonomiccs platform manager as the CloudStack service starts.