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SubNav Contracts

This repository contains the Solidity contracts and Hardhat environment for the SubNav project.

Quick start

The first things you need to do are cloning this repository and installing its dependencies:

git clone
cd contracts

Once installed, let's run Hardhat's testing network:

npx hardhat node

Then, on a new terminal, go to the repository's root folder and run this to deploy the SubNav contract:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-subnav.js --network localhost

You can also run this scripts to fill mock data into the contract:

npx hardhat run scripts/fill-subnav.js --network localhost

Tests are run with:

npx hardhat test test/SubNav.js

Hardhat configuration

Hardhat is configured to interact with special networks.

vagrant: {
    url: "",
    chainId: 13213,
    accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY]

The vagrant network is a local Vagrant-based Avalanche network with a Subnet / Blockchain. The instructions to deploy this environment are described in the infra repository.

subnav: {
    url: "",
    chainId: 13213,
    accounts: PRIVATE_KEYS,

The subnav network is the SubNav project subnet living on the Fuji network which is hosting the SubNav.sol solidity contract in a subnet-evm instance. The Fuji node validator, SubNav subnet and EVM blockchain were all deployed using the infra repository. The smart contract was deployed using Hardhat in this repository.


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