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Test Drive Best Practices

Bryan Dickens edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 5 revisions

Best Practices

In order to have the most success as a publisher of a test drive + in order to allow your customers to have the must success as a user, here are some best practices that we recommend:

  • Have at least one hot instance - The user experience is instant when we hand off a hot test drive. This makes a big difference between the potential lengthy amount of time to make a customer wait for a test drive! We recommend each test drive have at least one hot instance for a quality experiences.

  • Friendly Variable Naming - The output variables of your ARM template gets consumed by your customers. The naming of your test drive gets projected in the url/front page. We recommend to always use friendly, understandable variables everywhere you can.

  • Connect your Lead Management System - The customers who test drive your product are volunteering their contact info to be followed up with. We recommend each test drive have their lead management system connected to ensure that no leads are lost after taking a test drive.

  • Follow up with your leads! - These are customers who genuinely did want to experience your product, they are high quality connections to follow up with. We recommend immediately following up with them in an email to see if they would like to take a longer free trial or to go and deploy your product.

  • Useful User Manual - The most common flow for your customer to do is to go step by step through your user manual. Make this as easy to consume as possible.

  • Time your Test Drive - We recommend that you walk through your test drive from start to finish while running a timer. And then we recommend giving TWICE as much time for your customers who will be experiencing it for the first time.

  • Build a visual Test Drive experience - Customers want to see the pretty and fun details of your product before getting into the more complicated usefulness. Use Charts and Dashboards on a spun-up website to share a more visual experience for your customers.

  • Use Aliases as Contact Emails - We recommend not using an individual email for any of the contact emails because in the scenario that the individual leaves your company, the email will go invalid. Instead we recommend making a shareable alias in which multiple people can connect their emails to.

  • Do not enforce Sign Ups - We recommend not building an experience where you require the user to download/install/sign up for anything additional on top of accessing your test drive. This adds a larger potential of customer drop off during the test drive experience.