This example shows how to use NNI to perform hyperparameter tuning with HyperBand on Azure Machine Learning.
Neural Network Intelligence (NNI) is a library that provides a unified interface for hyperparameter optimization. Many tuning algorithm is included. See the following link for more details in reference section.
- Azure Machine Learning Workspace
- Compute Clusters for parallel training
- Compute Instance with Azure ML CLI 2.0 and NNI library installed
- Create conda environment
conda create -n nni python=3.6
conda init bash
source ~/.bashrc
conda activate nni
- Install NNI library in your Compute Instance.
pip install nni==2.5 azureml-sdk==1.35.0
- Create Compute Clusters in your Azure Machine Learning Workspace
- Create a train script, a job configuration file and a search space configuration file.
- train script :
job configuration file : config_hyperband.yml
configure TrainingService to Azure Machine Learning.
TrainingService: platform: aml dockerImage: msranni/nni # modify this if you bring your own docker image subscriptionId: <your subscription ID> resourceGroup: <azure machine learning workspace resource group> workspaceName: <azure machine learning workspace name> computeTarget: <compute cluster name>
search space configuration file : search_space.json
define your search space of hyperparameters in json file.
{ "dropout_rate":{"_type":"uniform","_value":[0.5,0.9]}, "conv_size":{"_type":"choice","_value":[2,3,5,7]}, "hidden_size":{"_type":"choice","_value":[124, 512, 1024]}, "batch_size": {"_type":"choice","_value":[8, 16, 32, 64]}, "learning_rate":{"_type":"choice","_value":[0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1]} }
- Start trial job.
nnictl create --config config_hyperband.yml --port 8088
- Access to dashboard.
- NNI Dashboard is running on Compute Instance. You can access to it from your client PC from URL like
https://<your compute instance name>-8088.<region>
. For examples, if your Compute Instance name is "client" and region is "japaneast", you can access using