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[User Guide] Management Resources

github-actions edited this page Feb 21, 2023 · 5 revisions


The module provides an option to enable deployment of management and monitoring resources from the conceptual architecture for Azure landing zones into the specified subscription, as described on the Provider Configuration wiki page. The module also ensures that the specified subscription is placed in the right management group.

This brings the benefit of being able to manage the full lifecycle of these resources using Terraform, with native integration into the corresponding Policy Assignments to ensure full policy compliance.

Overview of the Azure landing zones management resources

Resource types

When you enable deployment of management resources, the module deploys and manages the following resource types (depending on configuration):

Resource Azure resource type Terraform resource type
Resource groups Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups azurerm_resource_group
Log Analytics workspace Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces azurerm_log_analytics_workspace
Log Analytics solutions Microsoft.OperationsManagement/solutions azurerm_log_analytics_solution
Automation account Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts azurerm_automation_account
Log Analytics linked service Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces /linkedServices azurerm_log_analytics_linked_service

In addition to deploying the above resources, the module provides native integration into the corresponding policy assignments to ensure full policy compliance.

Next steps

Please refer to Deploy Management Resources for examples showing how to use this capability.

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