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[User Guide] Module Outputs

github-actions edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 5 revisions


The caf-enterprise-scale module contains outputs with the purpose of providing all configuration arguments for every azure resource created by the module. This in turn allows you to dynamically utilize resource attributes from the caf-enterprise-scale module in other parts of your Terraform configuration within the root module.

This guide will list all the outputs and detail how they can be used. File Structure Overview

The file within the caf-enterprise-scale module comprises of a different output for every resource type (e.g. azurerm_management_group, azurerm_resource_group etc.). Then within each output is a map of each local name (instance) of the given resource type to the associated resource block. e.g.

output "azurerm_resource_group" {
  value = {
    management   =
    connectivity = azurerm_resource_group.connectivity
    virtual_wan  = azurerm_resource_group.virtual_wan

Accessing Resource Configuration from Outputs

Most resource blocks within the caf-enterprise-scale module are responsible for creating multiple resource instances through the for_each meta-argument, and by definition, in Terraform, resource instances are identified by the map key from the value provided to for_each (See Referring to Instances for more information).

In the caf-enterprise-scale module the map keys are always the resource_id of the resource instance that the resource block is creating.


The following code extract will show us accessing the configuration arguments of the azurerm_firewall resource:

# We strongly recommend using the required_providers block to set the
# Azure Provider source and version being used.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "~> 3.107"

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

# You can use the azurerm_client_config data resource to dynamically
# extract connection settings from the provider configuration.

data "azurerm_client_config" "core" {}

# Call the caf-enterprise-scale module directly from the Terraform Registry
# pinning to the latest version

module "enterprise_scale" {
  source  = "Azure/caf-enterprise-scale/azurerm"
  version = "<version>" # change this to your desired version,

  providers = {
    azurerm              = azurerm
    azurerm.connectivity = azurerm   = azurerm

  root_parent_id = data.azurerm_client_config.core.tenant_id
  root_id        = "myorg"
  root_name      = "My Organization"

  deploy_connectivity_resources = true
  subscription_id_connectivity  = data.azurerm_client_config.core.subscription_id


output "azurerm_firewall_connectivity" {
  value = module.enterprise_scale.azurerm_firewall.connectivity["/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/contoso-connectivity-eastus/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/contoso-fw-eastus"]

Now we can export attributes from the output containing the resource such as location or sku_tier (i.e. outputs.azurerm_firewall_connectivity.location, outputs.azurerm_firewall_connectivity.sku_tier).

General Formula

In general for any given resource we have:

module "enterprise_scale" {

output "azurerm_resource" {
  value = module.enterprise_scale.<RESOURCE TYPE>.<LOCAL NAME>[<RESOURCE ID>]

Re-mapping with Friendly Keys

The resource_id can be too long and complex, alternatively we can redefine the map keys to use friendly names. Take for example the following which maps the location of the virtual networks to the virtual networks' configuration values:

module "enterprise_scale" {

output "azurerm_virtual_network" {
  value = {
    for k,v in module.enterprise_scale.azurerm_virtual_network.connectivity:
      v.location => v

In this scenario, We can now export attributes from the virtual network in eastus, such as name or address_space (i.e., outputs.azurerm_virtual_network.address_space).

NOTE: The new map keys used must be unique relatively within the map.

List of Module Outputs

# The following output is used to ensure all Management Group
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_management_group" {
  value = {
    level_1 = azurerm_management_group.level_1
    level_2 = azurerm_management_group.level_2
    level_3 = azurerm_management_group.level_3
    level_4 = azurerm_management_group.level_4
    level_5 = azurerm_management_group.level_5
    level_6 = azurerm_management_group.level_6
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Management Groups created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Management Group
# Subscription Association data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_management_group_subscription_association" {
  value = {
    enterprise_scale = azurerm_management_group_subscription_association.enterprise_scale
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Management Group Subscription Associations created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Policy
# Definition data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_policy_definition" {
  value = {
    enterprise_scale = azurerm_policy_definition.enterprise_scale
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Policy Definitions created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Policy Set
# Definition data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_policy_set_definition" {
  value = {
    enterprise_scale = azurerm_policy_set_definition.enterprise_scale
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Policy Set Definitions created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Policy
# Assignment data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_management_group_policy_assignment" {
  value = {
    enterprise_scale = azurerm_management_group_policy_assignment.enterprise_scale
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Management Group Policy Assignments created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Role
# Definition data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_role_definition" {
  value = {
    enterprise_scale = azurerm_role_definition.enterprise_scale
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Role Definitions created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Role
# Assignment data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_role_assignment" {
  value = {
    enterprise_scale  = azurerm_role_assignment.enterprise_scale
    policy_assignment = local.role_assignments_for_policy_output
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Role Assignments created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Resource
# Group data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_resource_group" {
  value = {
    management   =
    connectivity = azurerm_resource_group.connectivity
    virtual_wan  = azurerm_resource_group.virtual_wan
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Resource Groups created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Log Analytics
# Workspace data is returned to the root module.
# Includes logic to remove sensitive values.
output "azurerm_log_analytics_workspace" {
  value = {
    management =
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Log Analytics workspaces created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Log Analytics
# Solution data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_log_analytics_solution" {
  value = {
    management =
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Log Analytics solutions created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Automation
# Account data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_automation_account" {
  value = {
    management =
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Automation Accounts created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Log Analytics
# Linked Service data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_log_analytics_linked_service" {
  value = {
    management =
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Log Analytics linked services created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Virtual Network
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_virtual_network" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_virtual_network.connectivity
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Virtual Networks created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Subnets
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_subnet" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_subnet.connectivity
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Subnets created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all DDoS Protection Plan
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_network_ddos_protection_plan" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_network_ddos_protection_plan.connectivity
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all DDoS Protection Plans created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Public IP
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_public_ip" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_public_ip.connectivity
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Public IPs created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Virtual Network Gateway
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_virtual_network_gateway" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_virtual_network_gateway.connectivity
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Virtual Network Gateways created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Azure Firewall
# Policy data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_firewall_policy" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_firewall_policy.connectivity
    virtual_wan  = azurerm_firewall_policy.virtual_wan
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Azure Firewall Policies created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Azure Firewall
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_firewall" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_firewall.connectivity
    virtual_wan  = azurerm_firewall.virtual_wan
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Azure Firewalls created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Private DNS Zone
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_private_dns_zone" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_private_dns_zone.connectivity
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Private DNS Zones created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all DNS Zone
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_dns_zone" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_dns_zone.connectivity
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all DNS Zones created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Private DNS Zone network link
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link.connectivity
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Private DNS Zone network links created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Virtual Network Peering
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_virtual_network_peering" {
  value = {
    connectivity = azurerm_virtual_network_peering.connectivity
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Virtual Network Peerings created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Virtual WAN
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_virtual_wan" {
  value = {
    virtual_wan = azurerm_virtual_wan.virtual_wan
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Virtual WANs created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Virtual Hub
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_virtual_hub" {
  value = {
    virtual_wan = azurerm_virtual_hub.virtual_wan
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Virtual Hubs created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all Virtual Hub routing intent
# data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_virtual_hub_routing_intent" {
  value = {
    virtual_wan = azurerm_virtual_hub_routing_intent.virtual_wan
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Virtual Hub Routing Intents created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all ExpressRoute
# Gateway data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_express_route_gateway" {
  value = {
    virtual_wan = azurerm_express_route_gateway.virtual_wan
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all (Virtual WAN) ExpressRoute Gateways created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all VPN
# Gateway data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_vpn_gateway" {
  value = {
    virtual_wan = azurerm_vpn_gateway.virtual_wan
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all (Virtual WAN) VPN Gateways created by this module."

# The following output is used to ensure all ExpressRoute
# Gateway data is returned to the root module.
output "azurerm_virtual_hub_connection" {
  value = {
    virtual_wan = azurerm_virtual_hub_connection.virtual_wan
  description = "Returns the configuration data for all Virtual Hub Connections created by this module."
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