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How do I setup PostSharp?

Sven Thiel edited this page Jan 10, 2024 · 1 revision

What is PostSharp, and why do I need it?

Within BEXIS2, there are several workflows which need to be logged. This includes both, custom logging (e.g. call of a certain function), and general logging (e.g. in case of exceptions or for performance reasons). The PostSharp library offers different mechanisms to implement such kind of logging functionalities.

Which version of PostSharp do I need?

Please download and install the following version 4.3.19 of PostSharp, because that particular version was/is used by all/most developers. Although the version is quite old, it is guaranteed to work.

Which kind of license should I use?

You can run a free version of PostSharp, which is called Postsharp Express/Community or nowadays PostSharp Essentials. It is not necessary to apply for or even buy a license. But it comes with its own costs, because you are limited in usage. Please check out the following link for further details. If you are fine with that limitations you need to fill out some forms and register yourself - that's it. Otherwise, you need to buy the software. Please check out their pricing.

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