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Sven Thiel edited this page Oct 10, 2022 · 10 revisions

Why is only one row uploaded from my Excel template to Bexis?

If the Excel template is used and only one row is uploaded, you can do the following. The macro functions in Excel are needed to perform the validation of the entered data. Furthermore, the range of existing data is defined. If the macros are not activated, only one line is specified as the data area. If you have activated the macros after entering the data, it is recommended to change an input field again so that the macro function is triggered.

Why is the download of a dataset not working?

In general, there are several issue why this could happen. Within the next section, we will have a closer look at all known reasons. Please let us know if non of the following solutions will work for you. Also if you have already another working solution, please share it with us.

Option A: the metadata schema (xsd) is missing!
Please check within the workspace if the corresponding metadata mapping file (xml) is available. If not, please add that one to the workspace. In case you would like the know how the file should be entitled, go to http://<your-bexis2-instance.domain>/ddm/data/Showdata/<datasetid> and use the button "Download Metadata" as "XML". If the metadata schema file does not exist the system will bring up a proper error message.

Option B: the metadata mapping file (xml) is missing!
Please check within the workspace if the corresponding metadata schema file (xsd) is available. If not, please add that one to the workspace. In case you would like the know how the file should be entitled, go to http://<your-bexis2-instance.domain>/ddm/data/Showdata/<datasetid> and use the button "Download Dataset" (regardless of the format). If the metadata mapping file does not exist the system will bring up a proper error message.



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