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Working with the Repo

Trev edited this page Nov 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Here's a few tips for working with the Community Library repo.

Forking the Repo

Now that you've cloned the repo, make your fork using the following steps:

  1. Hit the Fork button on this repo's page.
  2. Select your account when prompted.
  3. In Gitbash/Terminal, navigate to the src/BG3-Community-Library folder.
  4. Input git remote add working PersonalRepoLink.git.

Git Best Practices

One of Git's most well-known features is branching. When working on a new feature, it's best to do the following: git checkout -b FeatureBranchName. When doing this, yu can switch back and forth between the original content and your changes as needed. Generally, before switching branches, you'll want to commit your changes using the following commands.

git add ChangedFiles, separated by spaces
git commit -s

When using git add, you can enter a directory name, and all files and folders within that directory will be added to your commit. For this project, don't use git add *, as you may inadvertently add files you don't want tracked.

We do not use -m with git commit. -m is handy in some cases, but it prevents thorough commit descriptions. git commit will take you into a virtual text editing environment. The first line will be the title of the commit. Make the title descriptive enough to explain the purpose of the commit, but don't make it too long. Make two line breaks after the title, and then make a bullet-point list of changes made. Here is an example.

Bound Weapons + gitignore additions

- Ignore .zip files.
- Add Bound Weapon Spells/Scripts.

-s appends a virtual signature to your commit. This isn't necessary, but it looks more professional.

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