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Data Effect Issue Command

BlackTower edited this page Jul 28, 2022 · 2 revisions
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Data\Effect\Issue Command {DataDataEffectData-EffectIssue-Command}

Issues move or attack commands to a unit.

Type {Type}

  • NONE:
  • MOVE_TO_LOCATION:The unit will be ordered to move to the location.
  • ATTACK_TO_LOCATION:The unit will be ordered to attack move to the location.
  • ATTACK_UNIT:The unit will be ordered to attack the target unit.

Which Unit {Which-Unit}

Which unit to give the move or attack order to.

Target Unit {Target-Unit}

Which unit to attack when using Attack Unit.

Target Location {Target-Location}

Which location to use when using Move To Location or Attack To Location.

Target Offset {Target-Offset}

MessageType: EffectOffset

Offset used for the target location if type is location.

Target Offset Start {Target-Offset-Start}

Offset start & end together determines the orientation of the offset. If offset start & end are both specified but are overlapping, and the offset start is an unit (e.g., caster unit), the facing of that unit will be used. If offset start & end are not specified, or specified but cannot determine the facing using the above rules, the commanded unit's facing will be used.

Target Offset End {Target-Offset-End}

Used in combination with Offset Start to determine the facing of this effect. If both are set to a unit, the effect will use that unit's facing.

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