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kafka4s - Functional programming with Kafka and Scala

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kafka4s provides pure, referentially transparent functions for working with Kafka, and integrates with FP libraries such as cats-effect and fs2.

Quick Start

To use kafka4s in an existing SBT project with Scala 2.13 or a later version, add the following dependencies to your build.sbt depending on your needs:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.banno" %% "kafka4s" % "<version>"

Note: If your project uses fs2 1.x, you'll want releases from the 2.x series. For fs2 2.x projects, you'll want 3.x series releases.

Sending records to Kafka is an effect. If we wanted to periodically write random integers to a Kafka topic, we could do:

  .resource(ProducerApi.resource[F, Int, Int](BootstrapServers(kafkaBootstrapServers)))
  .flatMap { producer =>
      .evalMap { _ =>
        Sync[F].delay(Random.nextInt()).flatMap { i =>
          producer.sendAndForget(new ProducerRecord(, i, i))

Polling Kafka for records is also an effect, and we can obtain a stream of records from a topic. We can print the even random integers from the above topic using:

      .resource[F, Int, Int](
      .filter(_ % 2 == 0)
      .evalMap(i => Sync[F].delay(println(i)))

Learning more

To learn more about kafka4s, start with our Getting Started Guide, play with some example apps, and check out the kafka4s Scaladoc for more info.

Running the examples

To run the examples, setup the following:

  • Pull down the docker image in the project directory:
docker-compose up -d
  • Add local host alias kafka.local to your machines /etc/hosts file. You will need to use sudo access to edit this file.
  • Run example in sbt, for example:
examples/runMain example3.CatsEffectApp