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Setup Guide

BestMordaEver edited this page May 13, 2024 · 16 revisions

Default setup


Invite the bot using this link. This will enable all bot functions, some of which you may never use (mainly granular user permissions). You can find an explanation on how bot uses each permission on this page.

First lobby

Type /lobby add in your guild's text channel, select a channel that you want to make a lobby. Join this channel to verify that it's registered - it should create a new voice channel (a room) and move you to it. Bot will also copy lobby's capacity to the room. This is the basic functionality of Voice Manager.

Default room names

If you're not impressed with default "username's room" room names, you can change the naming template using /lobby name <name>. You can include several %combos% in your template to make it dynamic and adjust to every user:

  • %name% - user's name
  • %nickname% - user's server nickname (name is used if nickname is not set)
  • %name's%, %nickname's% - corresponding combo with 's or ' attached (difference between Riddles's and Riddles')
  • %tag% - user's unique username tag (for example riddlesandlies)
  • %game% - user's currently played or streamed game (no game if user's not playing anything)
  • %game(something)% - user's currently played or streamed game (something if user's not playing anything)
  • %counter% - room position. Keeps rooms ordered. Here's what it looks like.
  • %rename% - blank by default, but interacts with /room rename

Category, capacity, bitrate

By default, rooms will appear in the same category as the lobby and copy the lobby's capacity and bitrate over to the room. You can change target category using /lobby category, customize capacity with /lobby capacity, and change target bitrate with /lobby bitrate.

Host permissions

There are several user commands, that room hosts can use to customize and moderate their rooms (user guide is here). You can enable those commands using /lobby permissions <permission list>. The command affects only selected permissions, you can omit other permissions if you want to leave them unchanged. List of available permissions is:

  • rename - allows use of /room rename
  • resize - allows use of /room resize
  • bitrate - allows use of /room bitrate
  • manage - all of the above, plus gives host Manage Channels permission in their room
  • mute - allows use of /room mute|unmute
  • hide - allows use of /room hide|show
  • lock - allows use of /room lock|unlock and /room block|unblock
  • kick - allows use of /room kick and gives host Move Members permission in their room
  • password - allows use of /room password
  • moderate - everything below manage. Additionally, if bot has administrator privileges, it will grant Manage Permissions permission

Any control the bot gives, it gives only over the room that the host is in. That control is revoked once they leave the channel. If you want to activate everything, allowing manage and moderate permissions will give a full set of privileges.

Companion text chats

Bot can create text chats along with rooms. To enable them, type /companion enable and select a lobby. Those chats will be visible only to users, that are in the room (unless revealed by the host), and will get deleted along their room. You can change default chat name and category or enable chat logging using subcommands of /companions command.

Matchmaking lobbies

Matchmaking lobbies are a special type of lobbies, that move users to already existing channels. They will always respect channel capacity and reservations. You can make a channel into one by using /matchmaking add command. Matchmaking lobbies have configurable modes of matchmaking (/matchmaking mode <mode_name>). Here's a list:

  • random - selects a random available channel. This is the default mode
  • max - selects the most filled channel
  • min - selects the least filled channel
  • first - selects the first available channel
  • last - selects the last available channel

Matchmaking lobby will act differently depending on its target, that's selected with /matchmaking target. If target is a category, then lobby will select out of channels that are in this category. If there are no channels available, then the user is disconnected from the lobby. By default, matchmaking lobby target is its category. If target is a normal lobby, then matchmaking lobby will select out of that lobby's rooms. If there are no rooms available, then a new room is created using target lobby's settings and the user is moved there.

Managed role

There are several features that rely on limiting what @everyone can do, for example private chats are invisible to @everyone and visible to members of the room. If this somehow doesn't work with your server's permissions setup, you can customize which role gets targeted, using /lobby role.

User commands outside of rooms

You can enable use of user commands in normal voice channels. This can be done with /server permissions, which acts similarly to /lobbies permissions. Same default role shenanigans apply to /server role command.



Discord limits servers to have 500 channels at most, with 50 channels per category (no difference between voice and text channels). Bot will stop creating new channels if any of those caps is reached, so plan accordingly. You can manually reduce that limit with /server limit. This will artificially reduce the 500 channels cap to whatever amount you need.