#What is a Fintech App ?
Fintech is a short term for financial technology.Therefore a fintech app is one dealing with financial services.
#Project Introduction
In this project,moneytary data of various companies from different sectors for the past 5 years is collected from www.moneycontrol.com and stored in a database. This data is used to calculate and compare the economic profit ratio of each company which is represented in the form of line charts.
Build the Docker image using the following command
$ docker build -t nodejs-express:<tag> .
Run the Docker container using the command below.
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 nodejs-express:<tag>
Follow the steps mentioned below for git based pipeline
Ensure that you have a git project
Commit your changes
$ git add . $ git commit -m "message"
Push the changes to git
$ git push <remote> master
Default Port for application is 8080