XTZ Wallet is a JavaScript library for interacting with the Tezos blockchain.
import { Wallet, createMnemonic, importWallet } from 'xtz-wallet';
Create a new mnemonic seed phrase.
const numWords: number = 12;
const entropy: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
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const mnemonic: string = createMnemonic(numWords, entropy);
Import keys from an existing mnemonic seed.
const password: string = '0ptionalPa55word';
const curve: 'ed25519' | 'secp256k1' | 'nistp256' = 'ed25519';
const rpc: string = 'https://granadanet.smartpy.io/';
const path: string = "m/44'/1729'/0'/0'";
const wallet: Wallet = importWallet(mnemonic, { password, curve, rpc, path });
Retrieve keys once your wallet has been initialized.
console.log(wallet.getAddress()); // tz1UMq5jhiizkBH7Abtmy5vFUsMfFHPyPMQT
Build a Tezos operation batch.
const batch = await wallet.buildOperationBatch([
wallet.ops.transaction('tz1gRi6XnzpBbkNGByBgxsBm1dTsA1fivSWU', 1000)
Return operations list and fee estimates.
Sign the operation batch.
const signature: string = await batch.getSignature(wallet.getSecretKey());
Send operation to the blockchain. This function handles pre-validation automatically.
wallet.send(batch, signature).then(console.log);