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Midterm Yohei Inokuchi

Malumis edited this page Mar 17, 2018 · 5 revisions

I want to get bacteria in each part of my body, and visualize.


Georg: Yohei's work deals with the different perceptions of technical and biological time - of objective versus subjective time. In cells/organisms the Circadian Rhythms are responsible for keep track of time. Hideo Iwasaki, the director of metaPhorest is also well-known for being one of the discoverers of the Circadian System in (Cyano-)Bacteria (Search: KaiA, KaiB, KaiC. Kai (回) translates to turn, round, times, recurrence.
The round physical shape of petri-dishes could also suggest possible directions of working with bacteria and time.

Malu: I think you have a very interesting starting point. Time-Stress became one of the main issues in our society. I could imagen that sweat could help you to measure the 'stressed bacteria' Usually people sweat more when they are in stressful situations. To measure a stress-level and the behaviour of bacteria to it, maybe you could try to measure the stress level with a ph test. (If I remember well, we have to different sweat glands, apocrine and eccrine. mostly when we have a 'stress-sweat' the apocrine start working. They might have another ph level then the eccrine) I found this: '... and even stress, the pH of our sweat can change dramatically. We can usually tell when the sweat becomes too acidic (low pH) when their is a foul odour accompanying the sweat that comes from under our arms.' Also more experiments about it here: