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Mika Berglund edited this page Feb 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

CardBody Component

The CardBody component is primarily used by the Card component to render the body of a Card. You can also use it when customizing your Card components.


CardBody : BootstrapComponentBase


Name Type Description
IsImageOverlay bool Specifies whether the card body is overlayed over an image. Set this to true if the Card.ImagePosition is set to CardImagePosition.Overlay.
Links IEnumerable<ILink> A collection of links to render on the card.
LinkTemplate RenderFragment<ILink> Allows you to customize how a link is rendered on the card. The context of the template is an ILink instance representing the link to render.
LinkSectionTemplate RenderFragment<IEnumerable<ILink>> Allows you to completely customize the section on the card that displays the links. The context of the template is the collection of links to render.
Subtitle string The subtitle of the card.
SubtitleTemplate RenderFragment<string> Allows you to customize how the subtitle is rendered. The context of the parameter is a string representing the subtitle to render.
Text string Defines the text to be shown in the Card. Each line in the text will be rendered as a separate Paragraph.
TextTemplate RenderFragment<string> Allows you to customize how the text is rendered. The context for the template is a string containing the text specified in Text.
Title string The title of the card.
TitleTemplate RenderFragment<string> Allows you to customize how the title is rendered. The context of the parameter is a string that specifies the title to render.
Parent CardBase Used internally to read the parameters to show in the CardBody component from the parent Card component.
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