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Mika Berglund edited this page Feb 28, 2020 · 5 revisions

Spinner Component

The Spinner component is used to indicate a loading state of a UI element or page.


Spinner : ColoredBootstrapComponentBase


Name Type Description
ContentAlignment ContentAlignment? Specifies how to align child content in your spinner.
Size SpinnerSize The size of the spinner. Defaults to SpinnerSize.Normal.
Type SpinnerType The type of spinner. Defaults to SpinnerType.Border.


The Spinner component extends the ColoredBootstrapComponentBase base class, so all parameters defined on that class are also available on the Spinner component, like the Color property.


Size and type

Shows you how you can create spinners with different sizes and types.

<Spinner Size="SpinnerSize.Normal" Type="SpinnerType.Border" />
<Spinner Size="SpinnerSize.Normal" Type="SpinnerType.Grow" />

<Spinner Size="SpinnerSize.Small" Type="SpinnerType.Border" />
<Spinner Size="SpinnerSize.Small" Type="SpinnerType.Grow" />


You can use the standard Bootstrap colours with your spinners.

<Spinner Color="NamedColor.Primary" />
<Spinner Color="NamedColor.Secondary" />
<Spinner Color="NamedColor.Success" />
<Spinner Color="NamedColor.Danger" />
<Spinner Color="NamedColor.Warning" />
<Spinner Color="NamedColor.Info" />
<Spinner Color="NamedColor.Light" />
<Spinner Color="NamedColor.Dark" />

Working with content

Shows you how to add content to your spinner.

<Spinner ContentAlignment="ContentAlignment.Left">
    Loading... (left aligned)
<Spinner ContentAlignment="ContentAlignment.Right">
    Loading... (right aligned)

With buttons

Shows how to use the spinner inside of a Button component.

@code {
    bool saving;

    OnClicked="() => this.saving = true">
            MarginRight="Spacing.One" />
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