- Create a folder with your nickname
- Use the "root" folder as the source of all the info
- Monday and Wednesday - 17-18pm. Team meeting
- 26h/day. Practice time
- Let's practice
- No tests.
- All under the same repo
- Challenge by topic
- Badges and scores! Weakness is not an option
- Advance JS
- (1st Session) Operands, Booleans, Variables, Types, Primitives, Strings, valueOf, toString, Symbols, Garbage collector
- (2nd Session) Scope, Lexical context, execution env, global, this, prototype, classes
- Basic NodeJS - Fundamentals 1
- (3rd Session) NPM (package.json, init, scripts, dependencies, versions, fields, registry, namespace) npm cousins
- (3rd Session) Util files (editorconfig, jsconfig, IDE, linter (eslint)), git, extensions (VSCode)
- (4th Session) modules CommonJS, ECMAScript Modules (mjs)
- (4th Session) nodemon
- (4th Session) event emitter
- (4th Session) process
- (4th Session) dotenv, env vars management
- Advance NodeJS
- (4th Session) Util
- (5th Session) Event loop (Behavior, performance) (https://javascript.info/event-loop) (https://javascript.info/microtask-queue) (https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/event-loop-timers-and-nexttick)
- (5th Session) Cluster Node
- (5th Session) 2 Layer Pattern
- (6th Session) Crypto, using example.
- (6th Session) Assert
- (6th Session) MomentJS (Dates)
- (6th Session) Common code architecture pattern (2 layers) using fastify
- (7th Session) JWT.io, using example for authentication
- (7th Session) Logger, system output. Winston (Logger) and alternatives
- (7th Session) Unit Testing: Mocha + Chai + Sinon
- (8th Session) Profiling
- (8th Session) Memory leaks
- (8th Session) TypeScript
- (9th Session) Jest + Jest + Jest
- (9th Session) Lodash (Hot topic)
- (9th Session) TypeORM
- (9th Session) NestJS (Component Pattern)
- (10th Session) ORMs: Sequelize. When & why's
- (10th Session) SailsJS + waterline, Carry over
- (10th Session) Socket.IO
- (11th Session) Template Strings
- (11th Session) Invierno
- (11th Session) Files as env variable (Google credentials)
- (12th Session) Serverless
- (11th Session) CleanArchitecture Mix Vol 2. + Testing + Decorators
- Streams & Buffers --- Final Project ---
- (13th Session) REST API
- (13th Session) Unit Testing * Jasmine? Karma? Protractor!!???? * Performance talk and trade offs
- ?(14th Session) GraphQL
- End
- User SignUp (A user can sign up into the application with email password salted)
- User Login (A user can login into the application with email and password, returns a JWT token)
- User Authentication (A user can use their JWT token to authorization process to add or list a shopping list)
- Create market object from image (Items, unit price, total price, units) (Logic to convert an image to a POJO)
- Add new shopping list (Operation to add a new shopping list to the user using images)
- List history (Operation to list all the shopping lists)