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PySockets p2p System

A simple Python Sockets p2p network system made without any extra Libraries. tested and built on python-3.8.9. This Network works with hosts serving on different Public IP's. These IP's are sent to be held in a central Server. Clients can simply choose a host from the list and access their services. alt text


  • Python-3.8=< (Recommended)
  • Ngrok Account (For Hosts who can't port-forward)


pip install psutil


Hosts Will have to create a Ngrok Account (So That They can accept connections from clients, without port-forwarding)

  • Alternatively You can also use the ngrok account to deploy the server without port-forwarding, Note that only one tunnel can be created at a time with a free account.
  1. Goto Ngrok Signup and Create an Account.
  2. Then Download The Ngrok Exe From the Website.
  3. Then in the dashboard goto Your Authtoken and Run The auth Command in the same directory as the exe:
  • Example:
ngrok authtoken 2l7lYB2bz6uhuA3q2l3giTeLt90_48E1fNcV37hKqjprfP225

#------ | Successfull Authentication Output | ------
C:\Users\User>ngrok authtoken 2l7lYB2bz6uhuA3q2l3giTeLt90_48E1fNcV37hKqjprfP225
Authtoken saved to configuration file: C:\Users\<username>/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml


Starting The Server

To Start The Server, Use The Following command:

>> <ip> <port>
  Example: >> localhost 1234

#------- | Example Output | ------- (Following Output is When a Host Joins The Server...)

 [OS : Windows]
 [+] Binded Server To >> 'localhost:1234'

====================--< Waiting For Connections >--=====================

 Connection from ('', 51374) has been established!

 Upcoming Message Length: 43
 Recieved: 'add_h;My_username;;17553'
 Started Wake Thread for 'My_username'....
 Current Hosts:  {'My_username': ('', '17553')}

 Current Clients:  0

This will Bind the Server To The Given ip and port, And the server will start listening For Incoming Requests from both Hosts and Clients, and manage Data Accordingly

- Hosts/Clients can be handled via PyHostJoinAPI -

Manual Host/Join:

Hosting and Adding Address to The Server:

Hosts Can add thier address to the Server by Running The Following Command:

>> <Server_ip> <Server_port> <Host_username> <Host_password>
  Example: >> localhost 1234 My_Usernmae P@ssw0rd

#------- | Example Output | ------- 
 [+] Connected To Server >> 'localhost:1234'

=========================< Host >=========================

 [+] Waiting for connections...

Running this command will download and run Ngrok, Once The Ngrok tunnel is online the Host script will send the ngrok-address and port along with the username to the Server this data will be stored in a Dictionary in the Server.

Fetching Online Hosts:

Clients can fetch addresses from the server by using this command:

>> <Server_ip> <Server_port>
  Example: >> localhost 1234

#------- | Example Output | ------- (Following Output is when a Host is online...)
 [+] Connected To Server >> 'localhost:1234'

=========================< Client >=========================

 Upcoming Message Length: 47
 Message: {'My_username': ['', '17553']}
 [+] Waiting for selection...

Clients will be returned the online hosts-Dictionary that will get updated whevever a host joins or leaves...


  • Improve Host UI Check... [WIP...]
  • Fix QOL/UI - Work on Special Cases/Bughunting [WIP...]
  • Create a Host-Client Connection after the Client Fetches the Address of the specified host. [Done!] 473/500 Working 95%, could be improved
  • Authenticate Hosts (via Whitelist) [Done!] 500/500 Working 100% !
  • Check Host Connections and log activity to pick out and block suspicious Users. [Done!] NOC