BugSplatCrashHandler is a drop-in replacement for BsSndRpt and BsSndRpt64 built on .NET Framework 4.7.2. The .NET Framework is included on all systems running Windows 7 or newer. BugSplatCrashHandler allows you to customize the functionality, look, and feel of the crash report dialog in your application. Additionally, BugSplatCrashHandler leverages BugSplatDotNetStandard which is also open source and customizable.
Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/BugSplat-Git/BugSplatCrashHandler
Double click CrashDialogForm.cs
to open the Form Designer.
Run the project to post a test crash to the public "Fred" database.
To use BugSplatCrashHandler in your project, first integrate with BugSplat's Windows C++ or .NET Framework SDKs. Next, build the BugSplatCrashHandler project. In this project's build output, rename BugSplatCrashHandler.exe,|exe.config|.pdb to BsSndRpt.exe|.exe.config|.pdb respectively. Copy all the files in this project's build output to your project's build output. Finally, generate a crash in your program and you should see the new dialog.