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File metadata and controls

1918 lines (1706 loc) · 70.3 KB

+++ date = "2018-09-05T12:00:00-04:00" title = "ripgrep as a library" author = "Andrew Gallant" url = "libripgrep"

[blackfriday] plainIdAnchors = true +++

ripgrep is a very fast grep-like tool for searching files. It specializes in code search by filtering out files in your .gitignore automatically and comes jammed pack with a lot of features like file type filtering, Unicode support, opt-in PCRE2 support, UTF-16/GBK/Shift_JIS support, compressed file search and multi-line search. Most of the standard grep-like flags you've become familiar with are also available.

Since ripgrep was released about two years ago, its core application code has been slowly moving into libraries so that others can benefit from them. Applications that are using code that was born in ripgrep core include, but are not limited to, rustc, Cargo, Tokei, loc, fd, Pijul, fastmod, Cobalt, watchexec and bingrep.

Until recently, ripgrep core included most of the code used to execute a regex search and print the results. As of the latest release, all of the searching and printing logic has been factored out into a group of libraries that can either be used individually or as part of a single facade defined in the grep library.

This article will explore the libraries that make up ripgrep, with a specific focus on the libraries that implement fast regex searching. We will see just how easy it is to build your own grep.

Target audience: Rust programmers.

Table of contents


When ripgrep was first released, its core included a lot of stuff:

Every single one of these things is now in a library. Here's a non-exhaustive list of libraries that were born from the code linked above:

  • globset provides a more robust implementation of globbing than the standard Rust glob library, including non-UTF-8 support and {foo,bar} globbing syntax.
  • ignore provides sophisticated file filtering logic with a parallel recursive directory iterator. This library knows how to parse and apply gitignore rules.
  • termcolor provides a cross platform and efficient means to write colors to a terminal that works well in multi-threaded environments.
  • grep provides a facade over a variety of pluggable libraries that implement fast regex search and printing.

While globset, ignore and termcolor are all important to ripgrep's user facing features, grep is what provides the core functionality: fast search. grep is itself a composition of loosely coupled libraries:

  • grep-matcher defines the Matcher interface for describing common operations provided by regular expressions. This includes finding matches, extracting capture groups and performing replacements. This library permits the use of any regex implementation.
  • grep-regex provides an implementation of grep-matcher's interface using Rust's regex library. This is also where a host of optimizations are applied at the regex level to make line oriented searching fast.
  • grep-pcre2 provides an implementation of grep-matcher's interface using the PCRE2 regex engine. Unlike Rust's regex library, PCRE2 provides several fancy features such as look-around and back-references at the cost of slower search speed in the worst case.
  • grep-searcher provides the high level implementation of searching files and reporting their results. This includes features such as counting lines, setting the line terminator, inverting matches, reporting matches across multiple lines, reporting contextual lines, binary data detection, transcoding and even whether or not to use memory maps. This library defines the Sink interface, which describes how callers must behave to receive search results.
  • grep-printer provides a few implementations of the aforementioned Sink trait. This includes a JSON output format in addition to the standard grep-like format with support for coloring, multi-line result handling, search & replace and various other formatting tweaks.
  • grep-cli provides cross platform convenience routines with user friendly error messages for common operations performed in grep-like command line applications. This includes checking for a tty, inferring a stdout buffering strategy and reading from the output of other processes.

While some use cases may call for using each of the above libraries individually, most uses should probably use grep itself, which re-exports all of the above libraries. Each library is re-exported without its grep- prefix. For example, use grep::searcher::Sink will bring the Sink trait into scope. (Note that grep-pcre2 is only included when the pcre2 feature is enabled, which is not the default.)


To get us started, let's take a look at a very simple example of a grep-like tool. We'll dissect what's going on in the code and iterate on improvements by using more of the functionality offered by grep.

If you'd like to follow along and try the example on your own machine, first setup a new Cargo project in any directory (see the Rust install instructions if you don't have Cargo on your machine):

$ cargo new --bin simplegrep
$ cd simplegrep

Now make sure your Cargo.toml looks something like this (in particular, with the added dependencies):

$ cat Cargo.toml
name = "simplegrep"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Andrew Gallant <>"]

grep = "0.2"
walkdir = "2"

Now copy the example below into src/, replacing whatever was there:

{{< high rust "" >}} // extern crate grep; extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::process;

use grep::regex::RegexMatcher; use grep::searcher::Searcher; use grep::searcher::sinks; use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() { if let Err(err) = try_main() { eprintln!("{}", err); process::exit(1); } }

fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut stdout = io::stdout(); // We hard code our pattern and what we search to keep this example simple. let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher("PM_RESUME")?; let mut searcher = Searcher::new();

for result in WalkDir::new("./") {
    let dir_entry = result?;
    if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {

    let path = dir_entry.path();
    // The use of sinks::Lossy here means "lossily convert matching
    // lines to UTF-8." Invalid UTF-8 bytes are substituted with the
    // Unicode replacement codepoint.
    searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sinks::Lossy(|lineno, line| {
        // Matching lines always include a line terminator, so we
        // don't need to write one ourselves.
        write!(stdout, "{}:{}:{}", path.display(), lineno, line)?;

} {{< /high >}}

And finally build the project, change into the src directory and run the command:

$ cargo build --release
$ cd src
$ ../target/release/simplegrep
./    let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher("PM_RESUME")?;

For future examples, you'll want to repeat the above process (or just reuse your simplegrep project by replacing the source code). If new dependencies are required, we'll note them. Finally, the full source of most example programs can be found via the links beneath the code. Alternatively, you may browse the examples on GitHub.

This article isn't going to cover the basics of Rust, so we won't walk through every detail of the example above, but let's talk about a few things of note.

Firstly, if you run this program on a large directory, you should be able to observe that its performance (both in time and memory usage) is comparable to other search tools known for their speed, such as GNU grep. One such corpus we can test with is a snapshot of the Linux kernel source:

$ git clone --depth 1 git://
$ cd linux
$ time path/to/simplegrep/target/release/simplegrep | wc -l
real    0.622
user    0.207
sys     0.403
$ time grep -arn PM_RESUME | wc -l
real    0.852
user    0.502
sys     0.340

For the grep command, we use the flags -a, -r and -n because they correspond to the behavior of our simplegrep example. Namely, simplegrep does not do binary data detection (-a), searches the current directory recursively (-r) and reports line numbers (-n). This program might not look like much, but we can look at the "naive" approach without grep to see what we're getting:

{{< high rust "" >}} //

extern crate regex;

extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error;

use std::fs::File;

use std::io::{self, BufRead, Write};

use std::process;

use regex::bytes::Regex;

use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() {

if let Err(err) = try_main() {

eprintln!("{}", err);




fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut stdout = io::stdout(); let matcher = Regex::new("PM_RESUME")?;

for result in WalkDir::new("./") {
    let dir_entry = result?;
    if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {

    let path = dir_entry.path();
    let mut rdr = io::BufReader::new(File::open(path)?);
    let mut line = vec![];
    let mut lineno = 1;
    while rdr.read_until(b'\n', &mut line)? > 0 {
        if matcher.is_match(&line) {
            let line = String::from_utf8_lossy(&line);
            write!(stdout, "{}:{}:{}", path.display(), lineno, line)?;
        lineno += 1;

} {{< /high >}}

Running it reveals it's about twice as slow:

$ time simplegrep | wc -l
real    1.380
user    1.062
sys     0.309

In our "naive" approach, notice that we are not using a buffered reader's standard lines method. This is because the lines method requires the input to contain valid UTF-8, and this is not true for every file in the Linux source tree (even for files that are purportedly source code). If you did try to use lines here, you'd notice that some content simply cannot be searched and the program would run even slower because of the UTF-8 validation. In both of the above programs, we avoid UTF-8 validation by searching the raw bytes directly.

In this specific example, the grep crate primarily attains its speed by doing the same thing that GNU grep does: it avoids parsing each line and instead searches many lines at once.

Going back to our original example, let's briefly talk about the aspects of grep that we're using.

First up is the RegexMatcher. This represents a wrapper implementation over Rust's regex library for the Matcher trait in the grep-matcher crate. We need this wrapper implementation because grep's search routines are parameterized over the Matcher trait. That is, the search routines don't know anything about Rust's regex crate, and they can instead be used with any regex engine.

In order to drive this point home, let's look at the next thing from the grep crate, which is the use of a Searcher from the grep-searcher crate. In particular, we use its search_path method, which has this type signature:

{{< high rust >}} pub fn search_path<P, M, S>( &mut self, matcher: M, path: P, write_to: S, ) -> Result<(), S::Error> where P: AsRef, M: Matcher, S: Sink, { // implementation elided } {{< /high >}}

At a high level, this routine takes a matcher, a file path, a way to report matches and executes a search. If there was a problem executing a search, then an error is returned. The type parameters can be a lot to chew on, so let's break them down:

  • P refers to any type that can be cheaply converted into a file path. This can be a &Path itself or a &str or a String, among others.
  • M refers to the implementation of Matcher that we use. In our example, this is instantiated to RegexMatcher.
  • S refers to the implementation of Sink, which is how search results are reported. In our example, we use Lossy, which is a pre-built implementation of Sink that automatically converts matches to UTF-8 while substituting invalid UTF-8 bytes with the Unicode replacement codepoint. There are other convenience implementations of Sink provided for you, but of course, you can also implement Sink yourself.
  • S::Error is an associated type on the Sink trait that refers to the type of error that is used by the Sink implementation. In this case, the Lossy implementation uses io::Error from the standard library. When searching fails, it tends to typically be on I/O operations, so io::Error is a common error type when using the grep crate.

Now that we've dissected the introductory example, let's move on to making our command line application a bit more robust with better UX. It's okay if it's not clear how all of the pieces fit together yet. We'll get more practice with the Matcher and Sink traits later.

Better UX

The initial example is brief and fairly easy to understand, but brevity comes with a cost in this case. In particular, there are a few user experience problems with how the program works:

  • The pattern (PM_RESUME) is hard coded.
  • The files to search (the current directory) is hard coded.
  • If a file does not end with a new line and its last line is part of a match, the output of our program itself won't end with a new line.
  • We use io::stdout(), which is line buffered. While this works well when the number of matches are low, it can adverse impact performance when the number of matches is high due to the frequency of flushing the line buffer.
  • An error searching any one file will cause the entire program to quit. Moreover, the error message won't include the path to the problematic file.
  • If our program is used in a shell pipeline and the receiving program closes our program's pipe, then instead of exiting gracefully, it will quit with an error message and a non-zero exit code.

Depending on what problem you're trying to solve, you might not actually care about any of the above UX problems, or you might care about all of them. In the case of ripgrep, we definitely care about all of them, so we're going to cover some basic solutions to these problems.

Let's get the hard coded pattern and file paths out of the way first. Since we want to keep this simple, we'd like to require one pattern as our first position argument and then zero or more paths (files or directories) to search. If none are given, we can use the current directory by default. In sum, our usage description looks something like this:

$ simplegrep <pattern> [<path> ...]

Let's take a look at a simple function that implements this specification. To parse command line arguments, we use clap, which is the same argument parsing library that ripgrep uses. It's fast, well maintained and can fit almost any use case. In order to use clap, you'll want to add clap = "2" to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml.

{{< high rust >}} /// Parse command line arguments into a single pattern and a list of one or /// more paths to search. fn parse_argv() -> Result<(String, Vec), Box> { use clap::{App, Arg};

let args = App::new("A simple grep-like example")
let pattern = cli::pattern_from_os(args.value_of_os("pattern").unwrap())?;
let paths = args.values_of_os("path")
    .map(|osstrs||osstr| osstr.to_os_string()).collect())
Ok((pattern.to_string(), paths))

} {{< /high >}}

With this bit of code, we get argument validation in addition to helpful messages for the --version and --help flag. One thing worth calling out here is the use of the cli::pattern_from_os function from the grep-cli crate. The purpose of this function is to give helpful error messages if the pattern given isn't valid UTF-8. For example:

$ simplegrep $(echo -e "a\x80z")
found invalid UTF-8 in pattern at byte offset 1 (use hex escape sequences to match arbitrary bytes in a pattern, e.g., \xFF): 'a\x80z'

We can adapt our try_main routine from our example fairly easily by calling parse_argv and recursively traversing each path given. (If a path is a normal file, then the WalkDir iterator will return just that file, which simplifies case analysis.)

{{< high rust >}} fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut stdout = io::stdout(); let (pattern, paths) = parse_argv()?; let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher(&pattern)?; let mut searcher = Searcher::new();

for path in paths {
    for result in WalkDir::new(path) {
        let dir_entry = result?;
        if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {

        let path = dir_entry.path();
        searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sinks::Lossy(|lineno, line| {
            write!(stdout, "{}:{}:{}", path.display(), lineno, line)?;

} {{< /high >}}

The next thing we'd like to tackle here is to make sure the output of our simple grep program always ends with a new line, even if the file it is searching does not. The reason for this behavior is to avoid situations like this:

$ echo -n foo > no-new-line
$ simplegrep foo no-new-line

Notice where my prompt ends up: right after the contents of no-new-line instead of on a line of its own. Note that for users of more enlightened shells (such as zsh), this is less of an issue:

$ scratch foo no-new-line

Nevertheless, we endeavor to fix it. We only need to focus on the small bit of code that prints matching lines:

{{< high rust >}} searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sinks::Lossy(|lineno, line| { write!(stdout, "{}:{}:{}", path.display(), lineno, line)?; Ok(true) }))?; {{< /high >}}

To fix our bug, we simply need to check whether the line ends with a line terminator, and if not, print one:

{{< high rust >}} searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sinks::Lossy(|lineno, line| { write!(stdout, "{}:{}:{}", path.display(), lineno, line)?; if !line.ends_with('\n') { stdout.write_all(&[b'\n'])?; } Ok(true) }))?; {{< /high >}}

Before moving to better error handling, we'd like to quickly fix our stdout buffering bug. As a reminder, the problem here is that the standard library's io::stdout() function returns a line buffered Stdout. It turns out that this is what you want most of the time. In particular, if your command line program is printing to a terminal directly, then using line buffering is important because each line is printed as it becomes available. An alternative buffering strategy, called "block" buffering, will store potentially many lines in memory before finally sending them to stdout. This is typically ideal when redirecting output to another command or file.

A naive solution to this problem is to simply wrap stdout in a buffer:

{{< high rust >}} let mut stdout = io::BufReader::new(io::stdout()); {{< /high >}}

This works well enough and will fix our performance problem, but we've increased the latency at which lines are printed to a terminal. Therefore, we'd instead like to choose our buffering strategy based on whether there is a terminal attached to stdout or not. The stdout method in grep-cli will do just that. All we need to do is use it:

{{< high rust >}} let mut stdout = cli::stdout(termcolor::ColorChoice::Never); {{< /high >}}

We do need to specify our color preference, and for now, we simply disable it. This will require adding termcolor = "1" to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml. We will talk a bit more about color later in this tutorial.

The last bits we want to take care of in this section relate to error handling. Namely, if we get an error while searching a file, we want to show that error to the end user, but then continue searching. Our current program doesn't do this, because of the use of ?, which will stop the current function and return the error immediately.

To see how our program fails, try these two examples in the Linux source code checkout from the previous section:

$ simplegrep PM_RESUME | head -n1
./arch/x86/kernel/apm_32.c:486: { APM_RESUME_DISABLED,  "Resume timer disabled" },
Broken pipe (os error 32)

$ touch no-access
$ chmod 000 no-access
$ simplegrep PM_RESUME
Permission denied (os error 13)

Your output might differ slightly depending on the order of files traversed, but the failure modes should be the same. In the first case, we get an error instead of quitting gracefully. In the second case, our program stops without searching subsequent files.

There are two places in our code that need to be fixed. The first is getting our directory entry:

{{< high rust >}} for result in WalkDir::new(path) { let dir_entry = result?; {{< /high >}}

In particular, result in this code is a Result<walkdir::DirEntry, walkdir::Error>. walkdir itself permits continuing traversal of the directory even if there's an error by requiring the caller to handle the error. Here's one way to do that:

{{< high rust >}} for result in WalkDir::new(path) { let dir_entry = match result { Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry, Err(err) => { // This error from walkdir includes the file path. eprintln!("{}", err); continue; } }; {{< /high >}}

The second case to handle is our search routine itself. Namely, it can produce an error if there was a problem opening or reading a file. It can also produce other kinds of errors from the matcher, but since we're using Rust's regex engine, such errors are impossible. We handle this error similarly, but we're careful to check for a pipe error:

{{< high rust >}} let path = dir_entry.path(); let sink = sinks::Lossy(|lineno, line| { write!(stdout, "{}:{}:{}", path.display(), lineno, line)?; if !line.ends_with('\n') { stdout.write_all(&[b'\n'])?; } Ok(true) }); if let Err(err) = searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sink) { // If writing to stdout results in a broken pipe, then we // should stop everything immediately and quit gracefully. if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe { return Ok(()); } // Otherwise, report the error and move on. eprintln!("{}: {}", path.display(), err); continue; } {{< /high >}}

If you re-compile your program and try the examples above that exhibited bad failure modes, then they should be fixed!

For completeness, here's our fully revised program:

{{< high rust "" >}} // extern crate clap; extern crate grep; extern crate termcolor; extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::process;

use grep::cli; use grep::regex::RegexMatcher; use grep::searcher::Searcher; use grep::searcher::sinks; use termcolor::ColorChoice; use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() { if let Err(err) = try_main() { eprintln!("{}", err); process::exit(1); } }

fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut stdout = cli::stdout(ColorChoice::Never); let (pattern, paths) = parse_argv()?; let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher(&pattern)?; let mut searcher = Searcher::new();

for path in paths {
    for result in WalkDir::new(path) {
        let dir_entry = match result {
            Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry,
            Err(err) => {
                // This error from walkdir includes the file path.
                eprintln!("{}", err);
        if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {

        let path = dir_entry.path();
        let sink = sinks::Lossy(|lineno, line| {
            write!(stdout, "{}:{}:{}", path.display(), lineno, line)?;
            if !line.ends_with('\n') {
        if let Err(err) = searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sink) {
            // If writing to stdout results in a broken pipe, then we
            // should stop everything immediately and quit gracefully.
            if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {
                return Ok(());
            // Otherwise, report the error and move on.
            eprintln!("{}: {}", path.display(), err);


/// Parse command line arguments into a single pattern and a list of one or /// more paths to search. fn parse_argv() -> Result<(String, Vec), Box> { use clap::{App, Arg};

let args = App::new("A simple grep-like example")
let pattern = cli::pattern_from_os(args.value_of_os("pattern").unwrap())?;
let paths = args.values_of_os("path")
    .map(|osstrs||osstr| osstr.to_os_string()).collect())
Ok((pattern.to_string(), paths))

} {{< /high >}}

The Sink Trait

The Sink trait is one of the two central traits provided by grep (the other being the Matcher trait). Namely, the Sink trait is the interface by which results from the searcher are passed back to the caller.

Let's pop up a level for a minute here to give context on the design of the Sink trait. In the Rust ecosystem, idiomatic code tends to use iterators, or more precisely, implementations of the Iterator trait in the standard library. Iterators in Rust are more specifically referred to as external iterators, which means that the user of the iterator determines when to advice to the next step. In contrast, internal iterators inverts the flow of control such that the iterator itself determines when to take the next step, not the caller. Typically, an internal iterator asks the caller to provide a closure, and that closure is executed for each step of the iterator. The caller doesn't get control over the flow of the program until the iterator stops and returns. Typically, a closure can signal to quit iteration early. Another critical downside of internal iterators is that they can be terribly difficult to convert to external iterators, but it is usually very easy to convert external iterators to internal iterators. Thus, internal iteration has a type of poisoning effect: once you use it, it's hard to escape it.

In Rust, external iterators are generally preferred whenever possible, because it keeps the flow of control with the caller and avoids callback oriented code, which some regard as ghoulish. However, the grep crate specifically uses internal iteration for a couple good reasons, and they revolve around the Matcher trait:

  • There exist some regex engines that only provide internal iterators to traverse matches in a string. If grep required the use of external iterators, it would effectively rule out such regex engines from being used. (An example of such a regex engine is Hyperscan.
  • This one is admittedly a bit more wishy washy, but with Rust's current type system, it appears difficult to design a generic regular expression trait that uses external iteration. In contrast, internal iteration is nearly trivial and doesn't use any sophisticated type system shenanigans.

With all that out of the way, let's take a look at the trait's methods. In particular, it defines five methods and you are only required to implement one of them. Each method is called at different points in the search, along with information specific to that method (like, say, the bytes of the line that matched) and the Searcher itself, which permits callers to query the configuration of the searcher. Each method may return an error, in which case, the search is stopped immediately and the error is propagated back up to the caller that invoked the searcher. If an error doesn't occur, then each method returns a bool indicating whether to continue the search or not.

Here are the methods and a brief description of each:

  • The matched method is the one method you must provide, and it defines the response to each match reported by the searcher. Each match is at most one line long, unless multi-line mode is enabled, in which case, a match may span multiple lines. A match is described by SinkMatch, which includes the raw bytes of the match and things like the line number, if the searcher is told to count lines (which is the default).
  • The context method is an optional method that is called whenever a contextual line is found. Contextual lines are only reported when at least one of after_context, before_context or passthru is set via the SearcherBuilder. Contextual information is described by SinkContext, which resembles SinkMatch.
  • The context_break method is called whenever a non-contiguous break is found between contextual lines. This is often used to implement a -- divider between blocks of context.
  • The begin method is called before starting a search. This permits the caller to perform one-time per-search initialization, or to even decide to quit the search before starting based on some criteria.
  • The finish method is called after the completion of a search. This permits callers to execute clean-up code or do things like gather statistics. Note that finish is not called if an error occurred anywhere during the search, but it is still called if one of the other methods decided to quit the search early by returning false.

The best way to learn all of this is to try writing an implementation of Sink. To motivate this, let's take our last program and observe something interesting: it is much slower than GNU grep when the number of matches it needs to print is very high. Let's take a look by searching for ., which matches every non-empty line. It's a bit of a ridiculous use case, but it lets us test the extremes easily.

$ time grep -arn . ./ | wc -l

real    5.119
user    3.990
sys     1.113

$ time simplegrep . ./ | wc -l

real    9.868
user    8.810
sys     1.034

(If you're wondering why the counts are different, it seems that it's likely due to a bug in GNU grep, although that's hard to say without knowing the intended behavior. In particular, even though my locale is set to en_US.UTF-8, GNU grep seems to permit . to match the UTF-8 encoding of surrogate codepoints, which are technically not allowed in valid UTF-8.)

What's causing the performance issue? If you take a profiler to the program, then one obvious area is the UTF-8 conversion happening in sink::Lossy. If you recall, the sink::Lossy implementation of Sink will take the matching bytes and convert them to a &str, but will replace invalid UTF-8 bytes with the Unicode replacement codepoint. In Rust, Unicode strings are much easier to work with than a &[u8], which is what motivates this type of conversion. Moreover, matches are typically rare, so doing some extra work on just the matching lines is typically acceptable. In this case, where most lines are matches, we really want to reduce that work.

One approach we can take here to improve things is to write our own implementation of Sink that does not perform any UTF-8 conversion, and simply writes the raw bytes to stdout. The implementation isn't too much different than our sink::Lossy code:

{{< high rust "" >}} //

extern crate clap;

extern crate grep;

extern crate termcolor;

extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error;

use std::ffi::OsString;

use std::io;

use std::process;

use grep::cli;

use grep::regex::RegexMatcher;

use grep::searcher::{Searcher, Sink, SinkMatch};

use termcolor::ColorChoice;

use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() {

if let Err(err) = try_main() {

eprintln!("{}", err);




fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> {

let mut stdout = cli::stdout(ColorChoice::Never);

let (pattern, paths) = parse_argv()?;

let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher(&pattern)?;

let mut searcher = Searcher::new();

for path in paths {

for result in WalkDir::new(path) {

let dir_entry = match result {

Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry,

Err(err) => {

// This error from walkdir includes the file path.

eprintln!("{}", err);




if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {



let path = dir_entry.path();

let sink = FastSink { path: path, wtr: &mut stdout };

if let Err(err) = searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sink) {

if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {

return Ok(());


eprintln!("{}: {}", path.display(), err);







struct FastSink<'p, W> { path: &'p ::std::path::Path, wtr: W, }

impl<'p, W: io::Write> Sink for FastSink<'p, W> { // Every Sink implementation must specify the type of error that can be // returned. For most uses, an io::Error is just fine. You may use a // custom error, although, it must implement the SinkError trait. type Error = io::Error;

fn matched(
    &mut self,
    searcher: &Searcher,
    mat: &SinkMatch,
) -> io::Result<bool> {
    // Line numbers are enabled by default on a searcher, so it's OK
    // to unwrap it here.
    let lineno = mat.line_number().expect("line numbers must be enabled");

    // The first part of our line, which contains the path and line number.
    write!(self.wtr, "{}:{}:", self.path.display(), lineno)?;
    // Now write the matching bytes as they were read from the file.

    // Now that we have the searcher value available to us, we can
    // write the line terminator configured on the searcher instead of
    // hard coding our own.
    if !searcher.line_terminator().is_suffix(mat.bytes()) {


/// Parse command line arguments into a single pattern and a list of one or

/// more paths to search.

fn parse_argv() -> Result<(String, Vec), Box> {

use clap::{App, Arg};

let args = App::new("A simple grep-like example")





let pattern = cli::pattern_from_os(args.value_of_os("pattern").unwrap())?;

let paths = args.values_of_os("path")

.map(|osstrs||osstr| osstr.to_os_string()).collect())


Ok((pattern.to_string(), paths))


{{< /high >}}

In this code snippet, we only include our new implementation of Sink. In order to use it, replace the let sink = ...; block from the previous example with

{{< high rust >}} let sink = FastSink { path: path, wtr: &mut stdout }; {{< /high >}}

(You can also view the full source code for this program on GitHub.)

So with this change, how does the performance of our program fair? Let's see:

$ time grep -arn . ./ | wc -l

real    4.924
user    3.930
sys     0.981

$ time simplegrep . ./ | wc -l

real    6.360
user    5.251
sys     1.094

We are better than before, but not quite there yet. If you run your favorite profiler again, you'll find that our program is still spending a fair bit of time performing UTF-8 decoding. But how? It's a bit subtle, but the way in which we are printing our path is actually performing a UTF-8 decoding step. In particular, a path's display method will ensure the contents of the path are valid UTF-8 before printing it. In our case, we actually want to print the path exactly as we got it, without any intermediate conversions. Not only is this more correct in the context of our environment, but it's faster.

Thankfully, the grep crate provides a solution even for small performance bugs such as this. The PrinterPath type from the grep-printer library provides a cross platform way to extract the raw bytes from a Path. On Unix-like systems, this extraction is free, since Rust's standard library exposes the raw bytes for us. On Windows, however, we still unfortunately need to lossily encode the path as UTF-8, for lack of a good alternative. But we can do this once per file path instead of every time we print it. Making the change to PrinterPath is easy. We simply need to change our construction of FastSink from

{{< high rust >}} let sink = FastSink { path: PrinterPath::new(path), wtr: &mut stdout }; {{< /high >}}

and then tweak our FastSink type definition and implementation:

{{< high rust "" >}} //

extern crate clap;

extern crate grep;

extern crate termcolor;

extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error;

use std::ffi::OsString;

use std::io;

use std::process;

use grep::cli;

use grep::printer::PrinterPath;

use grep::regex::RegexMatcher;

use grep::searcher::{Searcher, Sink, SinkMatch};

use termcolor::ColorChoice;

use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() {

if let Err(err) = try_main() {

eprintln!("{}", err);




fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> {

let mut stdout = cli::stdout(ColorChoice::Never);

let (pattern, paths) = parse_argv()?;

let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher(&pattern)?;

let mut searcher = Searcher::new();

for path in paths {

for result in WalkDir::new(path) {

let dir_entry = match result {

Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry,

Err(err) => {

// This error from walkdir includes the file path.

eprintln!("{}", err);




if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {



let path = dir_entry.path();

let sink = FastSink {

path: PrinterPath::new(path),

wtr: &mut stdout,


if let Err(err) = searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sink) {

if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {

return Ok(());


eprintln!("{}: {}", path.display(), err);







struct FastSink<'p, W> { path: PrinterPath<'p>, wtr: W, }

impl<'p, W: io::Write> Sink for FastSink<'p, W> { type Error = io::Error;

fn matched(
    &mut self,
    searcher: &Searcher,
    mat: &SinkMatch,
) -> io::Result<bool> {
    // Line numbers are enabled by default on a searcher, so it's OK
    // to unwrap it here.
    let lineno = mat.line_number().expect("line numbers must be enabled");

    // The first part of our line, which contains the path and line number.
    write!(self.wtr, ":{}:", lineno)?;

    // Now that we have the searcher value available to us, we can
    // write the line terminator configured on the searcher instead of
    // hard coding our own.
    if !searcher.line_terminator().is_suffix(mat.bytes()) {


/// Parse command line arguments into a single pattern and a list of one or

/// more paths to search.

fn parse_argv() -> Result<(String, Vec), Box> {

use clap::{App, Arg};

let args = App::new("A simple grep-like example")





let pattern = cli::pattern_from_os(args.value_of_os("pattern").unwrap())?;

let paths = args.values_of_os("path")

.map(|osstrs||osstr| osstr.to_os_string()).collect())


Ok((pattern.to_string(), paths))


{{< /high >}}

How do we fair now?

$ time simplegrep . ./ | wc -l

real    5.075
user    4.091
sys     0.971

$ time grep -arn . ./ | wc -l

real    4.949
user    3.925
sys     1.011

Huzzah! If you take a look at our program under a profiler again, then you should no longer see any UTF-8 decoding appear. (On my system, it is possible to shave another whole second off the runtime by using the itoa crate to write line numbers, which avoids going through Rust's standard formatting machinery. But we shall leave that as an exercise to the reader!)

The only way for us to achieve the best performance in all cases is to roll our own implementation of Sink. The pre-made implementations of Sink work just fine in most cases, and indeed, the Bytes implementation would let us accomplish our goals in the previous example since it doesn't do any UTF-8 decoding for you automatically. However, it does require line numbers to exist, which can be disabled since they require more work.

Aside from performance, custom Sink implementations also give us more flexibility in how we show our matches. For example, what if we wanted to show one contextual line before and after each match, just like grep's --context flag? There's a bit of plumbing involved in order to get all the corner cases right, but the gist of it is to implement the context method on our implementation of Sink:

{{< high rust "" >}} //

extern crate clap;

extern crate grep;

extern crate termcolor;

extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error;

use std::ffi::OsString;

use std::io;

use std::process;

use grep::cli;

use grep::matcher::LineTerminator;

use grep::printer::PrinterPath;

use grep::regex::RegexMatcher;

use grep::searcher::{

Searcher, SearcherBuilder, Sink, SinkContext, SinkMatch,


use termcolor::ColorChoice;

use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() {

if let Err(err) = try_main() {

eprintln!("{}", err);




fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut stdout = cli::stdout(ColorChoice::Never); let (pattern, paths) = parse_argv()?; let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher(&pattern)?; // In order to show contextual lines, we must tell the searcher to find // and report them. Without this, contextual lines are ignored even if // our Sink implementation defines a context method. let mut searcher = SearcherBuilder::new() .before_context(1) .after_context(1) .build(); // A simple piece of state that we used to determine whether to print // a -- separator before showing matches in a file. We don't print it // before the first file, but we do print it before each subsequent file. let mut has_printed = false;

for path in paths {
    for result in WalkDir::new(path) {
        let dir_entry = match result {
            Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry,
            Err(err) => {
                eprintln!("{}", err);
        if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {

        let path = dir_entry.path();
        let sink = FastSink {
            path: PrinterPath::new(path),
            wtr: &mut stdout,
            has_printed: &mut has_printed,
            has_this_printed: false,
        if let Err(err) = searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sink) {
            if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {
                return Ok(());
            eprintln!("{}: {}", path.display(), err);


struct FastSink<'p, W> { path: PrinterPath<'p>, wtr: W, /// Whether anything has been printed to stdout yet. has_printed: &'p mut bool, /// Whether anything has been printed to stdout for path. /// When has_printed is true and has_this_printed is false, /// we print a context separator. has_this_printed: bool, }

impl<'p, W: io::Write> Sink for FastSink<'p, W> { type Error = io::Error;

fn matched(
    &mut self,
    searcher: &Searcher,
    mat: &SinkMatch,
) -> io::Result<bool> {
    if *self.has_printed && !self.has_this_printed {

    let lineno = mat.line_number().expect("line numbers must be enabled");
    let lineterm = searcher.line_terminator();
    self.print_line(lineno, mat.bytes(), ':', lineterm)?;

fn context(
    &mut self,
    searcher: &Searcher,
    ctx: &SinkContext,
) -> io::Result<bool> {
    if *self.has_printed && !self.has_this_printed {

    let lineno = ctx.line_number().expect("line numbers must be enabled");
    let lineterm = searcher.line_terminator();
    self.print_line(lineno, ctx.bytes(), '-', lineterm)?;

fn context_break(&mut self, searcher: &Searcher) -> io::Result<bool> {


impl<'p, W: io::Write> FastSink<'p, W> { /// Print the given line (whether matching or contextual) along with its /// line number, field separator and line terminator, if needed. /// /// The code for printing matching and contextual lines is nearly /// identical, so we've factored it out here. fn print_line( &mut self, lineno: u64, line: &[u8], separator: char, lineterm: LineTerminator, ) -> io::Result<()> { self.has_this_printed = true; *self.has_printed = true;

    write!(self.wtr, "{}{}{}", separator, lineno, separator)?;

    if !lineterm.is_suffix(line) {


/// Parse command line arguments into a single pattern and a list of one or

/// more paths to search.

fn parse_argv() -> Result<(String, Vec), Box> {

use clap::{App, Arg};

let args = App::new("A simple grep-like example")





let pattern = cli::pattern_from_os(args.value_of_os("pattern").unwrap())?;

let paths = args.values_of_os("path")

.map(|osstrs||osstr| osstr.to_os_string()).collect())


Ok((pattern.to_string(), paths))


{{< /high >}}

There are some comments in the code snippet above to explain the additions, but we otherwise won't go into too much detail here. Instead, the purpose of showing you this code is to emphasize the following points:

  1. Printing logic can quickly become complex, especially when dealing with the number of output control options in a tool like ripgrep.
  2. Printing can be a performance sensitive part of your application. It heavily depends on workloads. For very few matches, the performance of printing probably doesn't matter. But for a lot of matches, it does matter, and folks generally expect operations like this to work and work well. Of all extant search tools that I've tried, only GNU grep, pcre2grep, icgrep and ripgrep are able to execute the . search correctly and in a reasonable amount of time on large inputs. This is only possible because of the attention paid to the printing code (among other things).

Indeed, this should help motivate why the grep-printer library exists in the first place. It is one of the most complicated and well tested aspects of all the libraries in grep, and in the next section, we're going to see how much it can do for you, so long as you're willing to live with standard grep-like formatting.


In this section, we are going to discuss the functionality provided by the grep-printer library. In particular, we will show how to use a printer instead of hand-rolling your own custom Sink implementation. For that, let's start with our example at the end of the UX section, which was the last example that used sinks::Lossy instead of our custom FastSink implementation. Adapting it to use a pre-built printer is simple:

{{< high rust "" >}} //

extern crate clap;

extern crate grep;

extern crate termcolor;

extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error;

use std::ffi::OsString;

use std::io;

use std::process;

use grep::cli;

use grep::printer::Standard;

use grep::regex::RegexMatcher;

use grep::searcher::Searcher;

use termcolor::ColorChoice;

use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() {

if let Err(err) = try_main() {

eprintln!("{}", err);




fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let stdout = cli::stdout(ColorChoice::Never); let mut printer = Standard::new(stdout);

let (pattern, paths) = parse_argv()?;
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher(&pattern)?;
let mut searcher = Searcher::new();

for path in paths {
    for result in WalkDir::new(path) {
        let dir_entry = match result {
            Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry,
            Err(err) => {
                eprintln!("{}", err);
        if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {

        let path = dir_entry.path();
        let sink = printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, path);
        if let Err(err) = searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sink) {
            if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {
                return Ok(());
            eprintln!("{}: {}", path.display(), err);


/// Parse command line arguments into a single pattern and a list of one or

/// more paths to search.

fn parse_argv() -> Result<(String, Vec), Box> {

use clap::{App, Arg};

let args = App::new("A simple grep-like example")





let pattern = cli::pattern_from_os(args.value_of_os("pattern").unwrap())?;

let paths = args.values_of_os("path")

.map(|osstrs||osstr| osstr.to_os_string()).collect())


Ok((pattern.to_string(), paths))


{{< /high >}}

If you run this program, then you should see that it has precisely the same output as our previous example. We weren't able to delete much code, but the advantage of using the printer here is the number of additional features it offers with just a simple configuration knob.

For example, to enable colors in your output (that work across platforms, including in a Windows console), we just need to tweak how the printer and stdout are built:

{{< high rust "" >}} //

extern crate clap;

extern crate grep;

extern crate termcolor;

extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error;

use std::ffi::OsString;

use std::io;

use std::process;

use grep::cli;

use grep::printer::{ColorSpecs, StandardBuilder};

use grep::regex::RegexMatcher;

use grep::searcher::Searcher;

use termcolor::ColorChoice;

use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() {

if let Err(err) = try_main() {

eprintln!("{}", err);




fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let stdout = cli::stdout( if cli::is_tty_stdout() { ColorChoice::Auto } else { ColorChoice::Never } ); let mut printer = StandardBuilder::new() .color_specs(ColorSpecs::default_with_color()) .build(stdout);

let (pattern, paths) = parse_argv()?;

let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher(&pattern)?;

let mut searcher = Searcher::new();

for path in paths {

for result in WalkDir::new(path) {

let dir_entry = match result {

Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry,

Err(err) => {

eprintln!("{}", err);




if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {



let path = dir_entry.path();

let sink = printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, path);

if let Err(err) = searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sink) {

if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {

return Ok(());


eprintln!("{}: {}", path.display(), err);







/// Parse command line arguments into a single pattern and a list of one or

/// more paths to search.

fn parse_argv() -> Result<(String, Vec), Box> {

use clap::{App, Arg};

let args = App::new("A simple grep-like example")





let pattern = cli::pattern_from_os(args.value_of_os("pattern").unwrap())?;

let paths = args.values_of_os("path")

.map(|osstrs||osstr| osstr.to_os_string()).collect())


Ok((pattern.to_string(), paths))


{{< /high >}}

This example shows the use a few new routines:

  • is_tty_stdout provides a cross platform way to determine whether a tty is attached to stdout or not (by using the atty library). This check ensures that we don't emit ANSI escape sequences when redirecting output to a file or another command.
  • ColorSpecs::default_with_color returns a default set of colors, but you can configure your own as well.
  • StandardBuilder can be used to configure a sizable number of formatting options for the printer. In this example, we demonstrate how the configuration of which colors to use in the printer is distinct from whether we emit colors or not. Namely, the color choices are controlled by the printer, but the decision of whether to show colors or not is determined by our stdout writer.

In the previous section on the Sink trait, we showed how to emit contextual lines using a custom implementation of Sink. We can achieve the same thing here with our printer:

{{< high rust "" >}} //

extern crate clap;

extern crate grep;

extern crate termcolor;

extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error;

use std::ffi::OsString;

use std::io;

use std::process;

use grep::cli;

use grep::printer::{ColorSpecs, StandardBuilder};

use grep::regex::RegexMatcher;

use grep::searcher::SearcherBuilder;

use termcolor::ColorChoice;

use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() {

if let Err(err) = try_main() {

eprintln!("{}", err);




fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> {

let stdout = cli::stdout(

if cli::is_tty_stdout() {


} else {




let mut printer = StandardBuilder::new()

let (pattern, paths) = parse_argv()?;

let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher(&pattern)?;

let mut searcher = SearcherBuilder::new()

for path in paths {

for result in WalkDir::new(path) {

let dir_entry = match result {

Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry,

Err(err) => {

eprintln!("{}", err);




if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {



let path = dir_entry.path();

let sink = printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, path);

if let Err(err) = searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sink) {

if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {

return Ok(());


eprintln!("{}: {}", path.display(), err);







/// Parse command line arguments into a single pattern and a list of one or

/// more paths to search.

fn parse_argv() -> Result<(String, Vec), Box> {

use clap::{App, Arg};

let args = App::new("A simple grep-like example")





let pattern = cli::pattern_from_os(args.value_of_os("pattern").unwrap())?;

let paths = args.values_of_os("path")

.map(|osstrs||osstr| osstr.to_os_string()).collect())


Ok((pattern.to_string(), paths))


{{< /high >}}

As with our previous example using a custom Sink implementation, we need to ask the searcher to report contextual lines. One other tricky aspect of this is that we also need to tell the printer to write a separator before printing the results for a file. It knows not to print the separator before the first set of results.

Our printer even takes care of executing replacements for us:

{{< high rust "" >}} //

extern crate clap;

extern crate grep;

extern crate termcolor;

extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error;

use std::ffi::OsString;

use std::io;

use std::process;

use grep::cli;

use grep::printer::{ColorSpecs, StandardBuilder};

use grep::regex::RegexMatcher;

use grep::searcher::Searcher;

use termcolor::ColorChoice;

use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() {

if let Err(err) = try_main() {

eprintln!("{}", err);




fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let stdout = cli::stdout( if cli::is_tty_stdout() { ColorChoice::Auto } else { ColorChoice::Never } ); let mut printer = StandardBuilder::new() .color_specs(ColorSpecs::default_with_color()) .replacement(Some(b"foo".to_vec())) .build(stdout);

let (pattern, paths) = parse_argv()?;

let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher(&pattern)?;

let mut searcher = Searcher::new();

for path in paths {

for result in WalkDir::new(path) {

let dir_entry = match result {

Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry,

Err(err) => {

eprintln!("{}", err);




if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {



let path = dir_entry.path();

let sink = printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, path);

if let Err(err) = searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sink) {

if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {

return Ok(());


eprintln!("{}: {}", path.display(), err);







/// Parse command line arguments into a single pattern and a list of one or

/// more paths to search.

fn parse_argv() -> Result<(String, Vec), Box> {

use clap::{App, Arg};

let args = App::new("A simple grep-like example")





let pattern = cli::pattern_from_os(args.value_of_os("pattern").unwrap())?;

let paths = args.values_of_os("path")

.map(|osstrs||osstr| osstr.to_os_string()).collect())


Ok((pattern.to_string(), paths))


{{< /high >}}

A real command line program would probably ask the user for the replacement text, but we can see it working well enough on our Linux checkout:

$ simplegrep ATA_PRIV_PM_RESUME
./include/linux/ide.h:51:       foo,    /* resume request */
./include/linux/ide.h:89:                ide_req(rq)->type == foo);
./drivers/ide/ide-pm.c:95:      ide_req(rq)->type = foo;
./drivers/ide/ide-pm.c:251:              ide_req(rq)->type == foo &&

Replacements work consistently with colors and support capture group interpolation as well.

We're not going to go over every option here, but you can see a list of documented knobs on StandardBuilder in the grep-printer library.

The grep-printer library also has a JSON printer, which permits printing the matches reported by a Searcher in a structured manner. The format is JSON Lines and is thoroughly documented. We even take pains to ensure that we expose data from the underlying files in a non-lossy way by base64 encoding invalid UTF-8 data.

Using the JSON printer is as simple as swapping out the Standard printer in our example:

{{< high rust "" >}} //

extern crate clap;

extern crate grep;

extern crate termcolor;

extern crate walkdir;

use std::error::Error;

use std::ffi::OsString;

use std::io;

use std::process;

use grep::cli;

use grep::printer::JSON;

use grep::regex::RegexMatcher;

use grep::searcher::Searcher;

use termcolor::ColorChoice;

use walkdir::WalkDir;

fn main() {

if let Err(err) = try_main() {

eprintln!("{}", err);




fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let stdout = cli::stdout(ColorChoice::Never); let mut printer = JSON::new(stdout);

let (pattern, paths) = parse_argv()?;

let matcher = RegexMatcher::new_line_matcher(&pattern)?;

let mut searcher = Searcher::new();

for path in paths {

for result in WalkDir::new(path) {

let dir_entry = match result {

Ok(dir_entry) => dir_entry,

Err(err) => {

eprintln!("{}", err);




if !dir_entry.file_type().is_file() {



let path = dir_entry.path();

let sink = printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, path);

if let Err(err) = searcher.search_path(&matcher, path, sink) {

if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {

return Ok(());


eprintln!("{}: {}", path.display(), err);







/// Parse command line arguments into a single pattern and a list of one or

/// more paths to search.

fn parse_argv() -> Result<(String, Vec), Box> {

use clap::{App, Arg};

let args = App::new("A simple grep-like example")





let pattern = cli::pattern_from_os(args.value_of_os("pattern").unwrap())?;

let paths = args.values_of_os("path")

.map(|osstrs||osstr| osstr.to_os_string()).collect())


Ok((pattern.to_string(), paths))


{{< /high >}}

You should expect the JSON printer to be quite fast. Thanks to serde_json, we can print each result without any allocation whatsoever (in the common case).