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Releases: ButzYung/SystemAnimatorOnline

XR Animator v0.9.0 - Windows app version

14 Jun 21:02
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  • Update "Explorer mode" to support all features of XR Animator (video demo)
  • Add support for connecting "Explorer mode" to VNyan via VMC-protocol (video demo)
  • Add new poses and movement motions for "Explorer mode"
  • Add halfRes support to SSAO visual effect, which significantly improves the rendering speed
  • Add support for saving up to 10 custom motions
  • Change default skybox geometry to use fewer segments/polygons, as depth-enabled skybox may actually look better/smoother with fewer polygons. This can be overriden by "panorama.json" for each individual skybox if necessary.
  • Change mocap data filter parameters for better motion response
  • Hide avatar model when it is very close to the camera
  • Hide long item info when user interface is off
  • Fix hand camera to work properly with "Explorer mode"
  • Fix head rotation in non-holistic mode when face detection failed, by proper blending with rotation calculated from pose data or using the last detected data, instead of immediatelly returning to the default state
  • Fix issues in switching pose mocap web workers, by enforcing reload on module switch
  • Fix the VRM camera see-thru regression in hand camera mode by changing camera.near back to 0.1 during hand camera mode
  • Fix camera glitches in hand camera mode by ignoring camera-mesh collision during hand camera mode
  • Fix "Explorer mode" when using full body mocap, by enforcing all poses to use only upper body mocap while the mode is active
  • Fix bugs in mesh collision calculations
  • Fix speech bubble with reduced clippings with other meshes
  • Update MediaPipe library (v0.10.1)
  • Update three.js (r151) and three-vrm (v1.0.10)

XR Animator v0.8.0 - Windows app version

30 May 11:01
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  • Add support for skybox with depth map and depth-converted (automatic) alpha map. Multiple skyboxes can be loaded via 3D scene builder (video demo)
  • Add SSAO and depth-of-field visual effects (video demo)
  • Add auto calibration to face mocap with ARKit blendshapes
  • Add auto "look at camera" option for face mocap (can be used with Ctrl+E hotkey) (video demo)
  • Add extra data filter to further stablize body rotations for upper body mocap
  • Update non-holistic full body mocap to use a holistic-like concept to fine tune the ROI of hand detection, increasing the chance of successful hand detection
    (NOTE: For upper-only mocap, you can pretty much just use the new MediaPipe Tasks Vision. However, if you want to do a full body mocap from head to feet, especially if you are far away from the camera, I still recommend legacy holistic mode for now, mainly for hand detection)
  • Update pose data filter to dynamically change settings based on mocap type and distance from camera
  • Update visual effects GUI to allow changing camera parameters (fov)
  • Update "explorer mode" in 3D scene builder to be usable even after leaving 3D scene builder
  • Fix the happy/joy expression naming issue value when using VMC-protocol
  • Fix "center_view_lookAt" being incorrect when the avatar is rotated

XR Animator v0.7.2 - Windows app version

13 May 19:47
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  • Improve face tracking for regular VRM and MMD models, utilizing blendshape data from the new face tracking AI (video demo)
  • Increase the responsiveness of eye blink during face tracking
  • Reduce excessive blendshape values due to natural facial features such as eye squint and mouth pucker
  • Update pose data filter settings to be more responsive to motion
  • Fix a bug which screwed the foot rotation when switching back and forth between full-body and upper-only mocap
  • Fix a bug in which the head pose returned by body-only mocap was incurrate
  • Fix blendshape glitches for ARKit-compatible VRM during mocap when face detections missed
  • Fix a bug when ARKit blendshape was used which ignored the mocap options for eye blink/tracking
  • Fix a bug in which the app might sometimes freeze on loading to 100% on startup (especially for web app version)

XR Animator v0.7.0 - Windows app version

11 May 21:04
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  • Add support for the latest face tracking AI from MediaPipe, now compatible with ARKit blendshapes
  • Upgrade all mocap libraries (face/pose/hand) to the latest MediaPipe Tasks Vision
  • Fix transparency support for Bloom visual effect
  • Fix non-Holistic mocap involving face which might stall when switching off and on again
  • Fix material transparency for X model in THREEX

XR Animator v0.6.0 - Windows app version

04 May 22:11
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  • Add "auto fit" feature which auto fits avatar models, poses and motions into any 3D scene with predefined JSON config (video demo). A sample auto-fit scene (3D classroom) is available for download.
  • Add visual effect plugin system to provide configurable post processing effects, with the first effect being selective Unreal bloom
  • Fix and update mocap filter to avoid jitters over various joint rotations and facial blendshapes
  • Fix a bug which didn't reset the motions correctly when switching between full body mocap and upper body mocap
  • Fix a bug which loaded the incorrect MMD model when switching from MMD to VRM model
  • Fix pose list custom ordering which might be disrupted when switching between MMD and VRM model
  • Fix 3D scene loader to work with cloned objects
  • Fix error when passing MMD-only camera to THREEX
  • Update the config of some preset mocap poses

XR Animator v0.5.2 - Windows app version

21 Apr 19:04
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  • Add 2 new poses for mocap overlay
  • Add "Auto blink" under mocap options, suitable for situations when captured eye blink is too subtle
  • Add "Push motion to list front" option to customize pose list order, which is especially useful if you want the limited pose hotkeys to cover all your favorite poses
  • Add motion blending on motion change
  • Fix the springbone reset routine in VRM by properly resetting the springbone settings as well
  • Fix potential glitches on VRM springbones by resetting them on motion change
  • Fix loading of VRM models with no thumbnail provided
  • Fix WebM support as video input
  • Fix a regression which stopped WASD key movement in 3D scene builder "Explorer" mode
  • Change the default light settings for 3D scene with VRM model, tuning down the ambient light while increasing the intensity of directional light

XR Animator v0.5.0 - Windows app version

10 Apr 21:41
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  • Add new feature to use your hand to control the camera and do selfie-like motion (video demo)
  • Add support for remote 3D camera via VMC-protocol (VNyan is basically the only app right now that supports VMC camera. Read the readme file under the "accessories" folders for instructions)
  • Update "Air blower" with more fucntionality to emulate various wind-blowing/gravity-like effects (video demo)
  • Update the inventory with better organization of items
  • Fix the outline effect on VRM models being too subtle in the past
  • Fix a bug which might reset saved XR Animator settings if the app closed before initialization
  • Fix a regression which disabled mocap when it was turned off and then on again
  • Fix the 3D camera face-locking setting sometimes not working on app start
  • Fix MMD camera motion position on motion start when screen recorder is not used
  • Fix virtual numpad on mobile mode to display letter keys when S is pressed, necessary for some dialogue options
  • Update electron build (v22.3.5)

XR Animator v0.4.5 - Windows app version

31 Mar 15:54
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  • Add auto save and import/export/reset feature for most app settings
  • Add a new pose for mocap overlay (video demo)
  • Add "Hip adjustment" mocap option to override the default auto hip adjustment for upper-only mocap
  • Update the camera detection routine with new option ("No limit" for resolution) for more stable camera listing and access
  • Update MediaPipe Holistic library (0.5.1675471629)
  • Fix a bug which prevented eye movements from being sent via VMC-protocol if they were based on blendshapes
  • Turning mocap on/off no longer resets the pose if it supports mocap already

XR Animator v0.4.2 - Windows app version

26 Mar 16:59
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  • Add support for using mouse to control the UI apart from keys
  • Add a new pose for mocap overlay
  • Fix a bug in face-only mocap which caused error when used on certain poses
  • Fix a bug in speech bubble in which the content layout might change unexpectedly ignoring the configured parameters
  • Fix error message when switching between full-body and upper-body mocap of "Stand simple" pose
  • Fix a bug in handling leg-FK motions in which the leg animation might break if used in mocap
  • Update the naming of some motion config properties
  • Update the config of some preset poses

XR Animator v0.4.0 - Windows app version

21 Mar 16:14
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  • Add "arm-to-leg" control mode, which translates arm mocap data to leg, allowing you to control the legs of your 3D model with your arms (video demo)
  • Add numerous global hotkeys for various purposes, such as switching motions (video demo)
  • Add 3D camera lock to save a camera position with Ctrl+L, so that it can be restored upon camera reset (video demo)
  • Add multiple new preset poses for use with upper body mocap
  • Add support for auto following of 3D camera with poses during mocap (video demo)
  • Add support for importing/exporting of motion config as JSON (video demo)
  • Improve accuracy in translating moocap data to 3D motion
  • Improve accuracy in arm/leg IK calculations
  • Improve efficiency in calculating IK/transform bone hierarchy
  • Improve smoothness in motion recording, especially in real time when the recording frame rate can be low
  • Improve accuracy and efficiency in motion recording
  • Improve FBX motion loader compatibility
  • Fix a bug in scene loader in which an imported object's rotation was reset when manipulated or exported
  • Fix a bug in scene loader which failed to load wallpaper with white spaces in filename
  • Fix a bug in sub animations and poses in which the arm rotations were displaced when mocap was active but not in use yet
  • Fix "Stand simple" pose in which the camera position could be wrong when upper-only mocap was used
  • Update three.js and three-vrm
  • Local video as mocap input is now muted by default