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Flow Diagram

ikb6 edited this page Jan 20, 2022 · 4 revisions


The Flow Diagram View visualizes the data in a form of a flow diagram (specifically, an alluvial or Sankey diagram) and allows for a comparison of variables in the data set. Flow diagrams can be generated from any data variable, as they rely exclusively on node characteristics.

The Flow Diagram View default is set to index, so the flow diagram will not be displayed until variables are selected from the Flow Diagram dialog box that is opened using the Toggle Flow Diagram button.

settings for flow diagram view, used to map variables

At least two variables are required to explore your data using the Flow Diagram View. Use the drop down menu to select the two variables you want to visualize in the flow diagram. You can also add more variables using the Add Variable button.

The example below shows mapping of risk factor to county and zip code.

Mapping variables: Risk factor to zip code and county

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