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4.) Release Planning

thomas41546 edited this page Dec 3, 2012 · 30 revisions

Release Planning

Bolded entry, means the entry was implemented in our project code.

Phase 1 (Project Part 2 to Project Part 3) COMPLETE

  • Creation of Tasks - As a user, I want to define tasks.
  • Sharing of Tasks (Online Storage) [UC0.1], [UC0.2], [UC0.3], [UC0.4], [UC0.5], [UC0.6]
    • As a user, I want to share tasks
    • As a user who defines a task I want to receive the results of users fufilling a task.
    • As a user I should be able to get tasks from other users somehow.
  • Viewing of submissions in a tasks. [UC0.6]
  • Submission of Tasks [UC0.5]
    • As a user, I want to fufill tasks.
    • As a user I want to be able to fufill my own tasks.
    • As a user fufilling a task I should be able to send the fufilled report back to the task writing user somehow.
  • Requirement of Tasks - As a user, I want some tasks to requires photos.
  • Photo Capture (Assuming a single photo for now) - As a user fufilling a task I want to take photos and attach the photos to the task. [UC1], [UC0.5]
  • Timestamping - As a user fufilling a task I want my actions time stamped. [UC0.5]
  • Text Submission - As a user, I want to fufill tasks that require text by entering text. [UC2]

Phase 2 (Project Part 4) COMPLETE

Finish date: Nov 25

  • Task Filtering (Public Tasks, Creators Tasks, Specific Creator Tasks) [UC0.3]
    • As a user creating a task I want some tasks to be local only to myself.
  • Publish Task Results - As a user I want to publish the results of a task somehow. [L]
  • Select Random Tasks - As a user I want to see random tasks. [S]

Finish date: Dec 2

  • Local Storage [UC0.3]
    • As a user, I want tasks to be stored so I can view them offline.

Already Finished

  • Multiple Photos - As a user fufilling a task, I want to be able to attach multiple photos. [UC0.5]
  • Recapture photos - As a user, I should be able to retake photos I am taking, if I fail to take the photo I want to correct, so that I don't have erroneous photos. [UC0.5]
  • Photo Thumbnails in the Submission View [UC0.6]

Phase 3 (After Project Part 5)

Finish date: To be Determined

  • Audio Submission [UC3]
  • Add Timestamp Label for Viewing Submission and Task
  • Add a proxy for Local/Remote storage (optional, code-specific)