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Addressing Feedback

James Cook edited this page Apr 9, 2018 · 4 revisions

Reuse Statement

Reuse statement: Unsatisfactory +0 Missing, No documentation found on the team wiki.
Improvement: Include a reuse statement in your wiki.

Improvement: Reuse Statement


OOD: Satisfactory +1 Missing classes Inconsistent with code ( example: elastic search classes not shown in UML, TaskList adapter not shown in UML)
Improvement: Update UML diagram according to the code Activities should be shown with a proper relationship to the object they are making changes to. Boundary control entity marking should be shown.

Improvement: UML Diagram updated. Activities now have relationships to objects they change, and boundary control entitiy marking is included in an additional diagram below the OOP UML diagram.

Test Cases

Test Cases: Satisfactory +1 Many test cases have no runnable methods defined inside,
(SearchForTaskTest, ViewTaskTest, AddTaskTest)
Improvement: Define runnable methods for defined test classes. More intent and unit tests are needed to check against requirements. ( refer to your use cases, and define tests whenever possible )

Improvement: Tests added for remaining use cases.


Code Documentation: Satisfactory +0.5 Many classes have no javadoc or comments
Improvement: Write Javadoc and comments for each class and methods.

Improvement: Dokka documentation (Kotlin's Javadoc equivalent) added for every class.