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Glossary and Information Sources

marissasnihur edited this page Feb 26, 2018 · 8 revisions



Task Requester

A Task Requester is a contextual definition of a user, whether an individual or organization, who is looking for a task to complete. For example, a Task Requester may be an individual who is seeking another individual (a Task Provider) to post a task for them accomplish. In order for the Task Requester to obtain a task from a Task Provider, the Task Requester must bid on the task and be chosen from the list of potential candidates (other Task Requesters). Examples of someone who may be a typical Task Requester are:

  • A freelance graphic designer
  • A contracting firm or subcontracting firm
  • Engineering or Computer Science students who may be looking for work
  • Someone who performs a trade, such as a bricklayer or landscaper

Task Provider

A Task Provider is a contextual definition of a user, whether an individual or organization, who is posting tasks that they want to be completed. For example, a Task Provider may be an individual who is seeking another individual (a Task Requester) to accomplish tasks for them. The Task Provider gets to choose from the potential Task Providers who have all bid on a specific task. Examples of someone who may be a typical Task Provider are:

  • A startup company
  • An individual or organization looking for a labourer or skilled tradesman

System Administrator

A System Administrator is capable of viewing all tasks and all profiles and is able to make edits to anything. The System Administrator is also notified if image sizes for user profiles or tasks exceed 65kB.


A user is defined as any of the following: A Task Requester, a Task Provider, or a Sys Admin.


A task is defined as a job that a Task Provider would like to have completed by a Task Requester. A task is bidded on by Task Requesters and the Task Provider chooses with Task Requester that they would like to fulfill the task, either based on highest bid or based on reputation. A task comes with a few specific details, such as pictures, a description, a title, a location, an owner and a status. An example of a Task would be something of the following:

  • Somebody hiring somebody to mow their lawn
  • Somebody hiring somebody to walk their dog
  • A company looking for a web designer to design a logo for their corporation

Actions and States


Bidded is a state where a task exists and has been bidded on by a Task Requester.


Requested is a state where a task exists but has not been bidded on yet.


Assigned is a state where a task exists and the Task Requester's bid was accepted by the Task Provider.


Done is a state where the task was completed by the bidder to which it was assigned.


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