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Sprint Planning

Kuda Christine edited this page May 13, 2022 · 4 revisions

1. Sprint planning Doc Sprint Planning.pdf

2. Sprint 1 Update:

Duration - 2 weeks

Sprint 1 was scheduled from the 28th of April to the 13th of May. We managed to complete three low level use case which included:

  1. Student/Tutee profile editing:
  • This included editing tutor detail preferences to enable our "tutee to tutor match" algorithm suggest best matches to the tutee.
  • This also included updating of Tutee's personal details that might play a role in the paring and suggestion of tutors.
  1. Tutor suggestion page
  • This page consists of tutor suggestions that match tutee's tutor preferences.
  1. Tutor request
  • The tutor may select any of the tutors and review their profile page, which contains the tutor's basic information as well as modules they are willing tutor and their bio.

For Sprint 1, this is what each member did and what they plan on completing in sprint 2:

1. Kudakwashe Chivunga

I broke the communication barrier between the team and project owners as well as team and lectures. I collaborated with designer in designing and implementing the user interfaces. We used Figma. I documented and assisted in the designing of the API .

I plan on working hand in hand with the service engineer in implementing a working API.

2. Musa Mabasa

3. Simphiwe Ndlovu

4. Farai Chivunga

5. Thabo Maduna

I was responsible for designing the Web API and providing an inteface to connect to the temporary .NetCore built in database. The API was implemented in C#

Plan For Sprint 2

I am planning to create other APIs for the tutees and modules databases and linking it to the service layer of the project