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Day 3 Requirement analysis and Build your first view

pkufashuo400 edited this page Aug 3, 2011 · 27 revisions

You can download the source code of this tutorial from:

Requirement analysis

The blog system that we are going to develop is a single blog system with multi-users. There will be three user-roles under this system: Super User, Normal User and Anonymouse User

  1. All users will be able to read posts and leave comments.
  2. Normal Users can login to create and edit posts for the blog system.
  3. Super Users can login to manage all posts, comments, tags and users.

Additional Requirements for this system include:

  1. The homepage of the system should display a list of the posts.
  2. The system should display a post together with its comments.
  3. The system should be able to list posts with a specified tag.

Design your first view

Vimeo video link:
Tudou video link:

Because I am going to develop a blog system that has similar functions as playframework’s official yabe tutorial. So I won’t redesign the view. I will just use the design from



我们将开发一个多用户共享的单一blog系统。 用户角色有三种:管理员,普通用户和匿名用户

  1. 所有用户都具有读文章和评论的权限。
  2. 普通用户可以创建和管理自己的文章。
  3. 管理员可以具体全部权限,包括管理文章、tag、评论和用户


  1. 首页列出所有文章的标题
  2. 查看文章时,下面会显示所有的评论
  3. 能根据tag列出相应的文章

