As of now we are not providing you folder "vendor", so server won't build, and nor client. Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll think of something the following week.
CasperAPI is a decentralized data storage. We were deeply concerned with the state of the Internet and thought that with the state-of-art decentralized technologies we could at least start changing the way data is stored and distributed right now.
You can download and use pre-built binaries (download them here). If there's none for your OS or you want to build everything from scratch please use the instruction below. For instructions on how to run your own node see Getting started.
For the build process you'll need Go 1.9.2 or higher. We also assume that you already exported $GOROOT and $GOPATH variables and have $GOROOT/bin exported to your $PATH environment variable.
apt-get install build-essential \
software-properties-common \
g++ \
gcc \
cmake \
libboost-all-dev \
git \
apt-get update
Get dependencies and Casper-server via go get
go get -v -u -d
Install casper-server
cd $GOPATH/src/
go install
Now you got casper-server named ipfs at $GOPATH/bin
cd $GOPATH/bin
file ipfs
Provider mostly just serves incoming connections from client, so you only need to run it. If you are using a pre-built ipfs binary, you need to unpack it (default on Windows; on Linux use tar xvf ), place contents somewhere in the system and then open a terminal(or PowerShell) near and run
./ipfs init # this will instantiate an id and a repo that provider will use
./ipfs daemon # runs ipfs daemon that will serve incoming commands
# or you can use
./ipfs daemon --init=true # runs ipfs daemon even without previous ipfs init; will make an id and a repo if there's none already instanced
If you built binaries yourself then look for them in $GOPATH/bin.
As of now, works only with open IP addresses and requires own INFURA Ropsten test network ethereum wallet and some ETH on it for now works on fast private blockchain.
We really appreciate all the work that IPFS team done to the moment. Guys - you rock!