Report to XV6 Schedulers:
The given XV6 schedulers are tested by benchmark.c which creates multiple processess with respective i/o and cpu at a time to complete.
Results of total exceution time by benchmark with no changes in i/o and cpu times:
Calulated by uptime function :
RR: 2010 FCFS:2317 PBS:2007 MLFQ:2008
Analysis :
Since it is multiprocessing MLFQ , RR and PBS are effective so RR~=PBS~=MLFQ. But FCFS is non-preemptive ,so the running time is high.
Here MLFQ and RR are more effective in both i/o and cpu time calulated by the uptime.
Results of total exceution time by benchmark with only cpu calulation:
Calulated by uptime function :
RR:2114 FCFS:2383 PBS:2177 MLFQ:2446
Analysis :
Since only cpu time plays role RR is more effective to reduce wait time and compute multiprocesses quickly.