A very basic example of a FDC3 application directory web service. It is implemented as a tiny express web server that listens on defined port and exposes three different restful end points. There is currently no database but a single json file (data.json) to retrieve applications data from.
The format of the 'manifest' field is one that Finsemble should be able to parse. It should feature the same format of a UI component from Finsemble-seed's UIComponents.json
Locally it runs on port 3030
git clone git@github.com:ChartIQ/fdc-appd.git
cd fdc-appd
npm install
npm start
- GET /v1/apps/ - This call fetches all apps in the catalog.
- GET /v1/apps/{appId} - This call fetches information for a single application specified by an
. - GET /v1/tags - Returns an array of all t
. - POST /v1/apps/search - Searches the list of application given a set of parameters.
GET http:/localhost/v1/apps/search
Status code: 200
"applications": [{...}],
"message": "successful"
GET http:/localhost/v1/tags
Status code: 200
"tags": ['newrelease', 'pizza'],
"message": "successful"
Example: GET http:/localhost/v1/apps/xapp
Status code: 200
"applications": [
"appId": "xapp",
"message": "successful"
POST http:/localhost/v1/apps/search
Content-Type: application/json
Body: { "text": "", "tags": ["death", "Success"] }
Status code: 200
"applications": [
"appId": "xapp",
"message": "successful"