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Christopher Nikkel edited this page Dec 23, 2018 · 5 revisions



type Style =
        Fill : Color option;
        Stroke : Color option;
        StrokeWidth : Length option;
        Opacity: float option;
        FillOpacity: float option;
        Name: string option;


Style is used to decorate SVG elements with colors and pen sizes. It uses Color and Length to describe its attributes. Naming styles enables them to be reused and reduces the overall size of the resulting SVG.


Constant Type Description
Style.empty Style a style with no attributes that can be used as a base for the Style.with functions


Function Signature Description
Style.withName Style -> Style adds a name to a style
Style.createWithPen Pen -> Style creates a style with a specified stroke Pen
Style.withStrokePen Pen -> Style -> Style adds the stroke with a specified Pen
Style.withFillPen Pen -> Style -> Style adds the fill with a specified Pen
Style.withFill Color -> Style -> Style adds a fill attribute to a style
Style.withStroke Color -> Style -> Style adds a stroke color attribute to a style
Style.withStrokeWidth Length -> Style -> Style adds a stroke width attribute to a style
Style.withOpacity float -> Style -> Style adds a opacity attribute to a style
Style.create Color -> Color -> Length -> float -> float -> Style creates a new style with a fill color, stroke color, stroke width, stroke opacity, and fill opacity
Style.createNamed Color -> Color -> Length -> float -> name -> Style creates a new style with a fill color, stroke color, stroke width, stroke opacity, fill opacity, and a name
Style.createWithFill Color -> Style creates a style with the specified fill color
Style.createWithStroke Color -> Style creates a style with the specified stroke color
Style.createWithStrokeWidth Length -> Style creates a style with the specified stroke width
Style.createWithOpacity Color -> Style creates a style with the specified stroke opacity
Style.createWithFillOpacity Color -> Style creates a style with the specified fill opacity
Style.isNamed Style -> bool returns true if the style is named
Style.toString Style -> string converts a style to a string appropriate for attributes
Style.toCssString Style -> string converts a style to a string appropriate for css
Styles.toString Seq<Style> -> Tag converts a sequence of styles into a string via CDATA
Styles.named Seq<Style> -> seq<Style> removes all unnamed styles in a sequence



let style1 =
  Style.createWithName "Default"
    |> Style.withFill (Color.ofName Colors.Blue)
    |> Style.withStroke (Color.ofName Colors.Aqua)
    |> Style.withOpacity 0.5

let color = Color.ofPercents (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
let style2 = Style.createNamed color color 1.0 1.0 "Boring"

let styles = seq { yield style1; yield style2; }

printfn "style1 = %s" <| Style.toString style1
printfn "style2 = %s" <| Style.toCssString style2
printfn "styles = %s" <| Styles.toString styles


style1 = "stroke:aqua;fill:blue;opacity:0.5"
style2 = ".Boring {stroke:(0.5%,0.5%,0.5%);stroke-width:1;fill:(0.5%,0.5%,0.5%);opacity:1}"
styles = "<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[.Default {stroke:aqua;fill:blue;opacity:0.5} .Boring {stroke:(0.5%,0.5%,0.5%);stroke-width:1;fill:(0.5%,0.5%,0.5%);opacity:1}]]></style>"

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Basic SVG Elements

Advanced Elements


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