Search Engine implemented using Splay Trees and Trie Data Structure in C
Christy Biju
MIS : 112003031
Computer Engineering (Division 1)
- -s : Searching questions
- -a [Prefix] : Autosuggestions from the entered prefix
- -r : Recently searched question
- -h : Displays History
- -fm : Most frequently searched questions
- -fl : Least Searched questions
- -d : Clearing the brower history
- Trie : Trie is a sorted tree-based data-structure that stores the set of strings.
Used for implementing the search function and the autocomplete function.
The end of the question is represented with 1 and at the last character node the answer array is stored.
Time Complexity for searching the question and retrieving the answer would be O(L) ; L is length of the question
- Splay Trees : Used for accessing the recently searched question and most frequently searched questions as the time complexity for these functions would be O(1).
Also used for displaying history with respective date
Step 1: Clone the repository.
Step 2: Run the make command to compile all the required files.
Step 3: Type ./main [Respective function command] in terminal to run the project.
- Christy Biju (