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Axel R edited this page Dec 30, 2023 · 10 revisions

Q: Where can I download StableApproach?

Q: Can StableApproach grade/rate my approach and landing?
A: Giving a grade to an approach and landing is not the goal of StableApproach. There are many factors which make a landing a good landing.
Those factors vary greatly by aircraft type, runway conditions, weather and much more. Therefore, StableApproach will just show you if something was unsafe.

Q: My approach was shown as UNSTABLE, why?
A: Move your mouse cursor over the failed requirement (like approach speed). A popup will show you what to look for the next time.

Q: What is a check height?
A: At this height above the runway the aircraft has to be stable. This normally means:

  • Landing configuration (gear, flaps, speedbrakes)
  • Speed within -5/+10kn of target approach speed (Vapp)
  • For ILS approach: Within 1 dot of LOC/GS

By default, check height is set to 1000ft above runway threshold elevation (ARTE).
In real life, most airlines use either 500ft or 1000ft.

Q: I got a high sinkrate warning, but the approach required a high sinkrate
A: At the moment, StableApproach considers a 3° approach path as normal. Only when flying an ILS approach, StableApproach can detect a steeper approach. This does not work with RNP or non-precision approaches (yet). In those cases the warning can be ignored.

Q: I'm always getting a HARD LANDING (G) on smaller (general aviation) aircraft
A: This means, the G-force during touchdown was high. However, small aircraft like C152, C172, PA32 etc. don't have a very good suspension, compared to airliners. The default-values are designed for larger aircraft. You can manually remove those requirements by going to:
Plugins->StableApproach->Settings->Aircraft. In the requirements list, select the "Touchdown g-force" Group and DELETE it on the right side.

Q: I'm not getting a report after landing
A: First of all, make sure the report is actually supposed to show up automatically. Plugins->StableApproach->Settings->General
The "at gate" options shows the report when all engines have been shut down and the beacon/anti collision light is OFF.
Second, reports only get generated when landing on a runway.
Also, have look in the Log to and check if there any errors: Plugins -> StableApproach -> Debug -> Log

Q: Can I see my old reports?
A: Yes! Open the detailed report window Plugins -> StableApproach -> Detailed report(s) and press the "LOAD" button on the top left.
(The "short report" window will always show the latest report available)

Q: What happens if I go around or make an touch and go?
A: Go-arounds will not be detected. The aircraft needs to make ground contact for a report to be generated.
In case of a touch & go, a report should show up.

Q: Is there a version for MSFS/FS2020?
A: Not yet. As of now (January '24), It's work in progress and public release is expected for mid '24

Q: Why does StableApproach show different landing rate that other tools?
A: There is no "correct" landing way of calculating the landing rate or touchdown g-forces.
Each tool uses their own specific formula, which may result in different results.
Many tools simply take the vertical speed reading at touchdown, which has many issues.
For example, it doesn't compensate for runway slope or even the inertia of the instruments.
That's why StableApproach a more complex way to calculate all those values, which should give quite accurate results.\

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