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Clamb94 edited this page Oct 15, 2021 · 6 revisions

Open the settings window via the X-Plane menu Plugins -> StableApproach -> Settings


Most settings are self-explanatory or have small (?) next to it for a short description.
These are not aircraft specific.
Don't forget to safe your changes!


Those are all options which are aircraft specific.

Download profile button

  • Tries to download a pre-configured aircraft config.
  • Only works when StableApproch is up-to-date.
  • Only visible when online-mode is active in general settings.

Taxi speed

  • When reaching this speed (knots groundspeed) during rollout, the recording stops.
  • 30kn should be fine for most large aircraft. Smaller aircraft should use 10-20kn.

Check heights

  • At this height (ft) above touchdown point the recording starts.
  • Different heights can be set depending on type of approach
  • Manually select check heights using Plugins-> StableApproach-> Active Check height menu


  • Shows the list of requirements which must be met at certain points during approach.
  • Click on each to see a description on the right side
  • Groups can be created to allow for different "levels" of messages
  • See here (TODO) how to set those up.

Dont't forget to save your changes!