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Design Specs

Tim Kaye edited this page Nov 6, 2018 · 11 revisions

Design Specs

Aqua Gradient (applies to iconography only)

  • Angle: 135˚
  • #3ebca6 at 0%
  • #057f99 at 50%
  • #006b81 at 100%
  • Logo text uses #057f99 - no gradient

Aqua Gradient (Box)

  • Angle: 135˚
  • #3ebca6 at 0%
  • #057f99 at 50%
  • #006b81 at 100%

Aqua Gradient (Feather)

  • Angle: 135˚
  • #3ebca6 at 0%
  • #057f99 at 50%
  • #034a59 at 100%
  • Feather at 50% opacity

Grayscale Gradient

  • Angle: 0˚
  • #eeeef1 at 0%
  • #d1e1e5 at 100%
  • Feather uses same gradient as above but is at 10% opacity

Purple Gradient

  • Angle: 45˚
  • #89288f at 0%
  • #4b2063 at 100%


  • Angle: 60˚
  • Button text is 21px DejaVu Sans Semi-bold
  • Dark text is #262626; Light is #ffffff


  • #eaec8e at 0%
  • #f89c1b at 100%
  • Light buttons on dark background have drop shadow applied (75% opacity, X offset: 1px, Y offset: 5px, blur: 5px, darkness: 50%)


  • #89288f at 0%
  • #4b2063 at 100%


  • #07989e at 0%
  • #034a59 at 100%

Font (DejaVu Sans)

  • H1: 2em Semi-bold #361946
  • H2: 1.5em Semi-bold #361946
  • H3: 1.2em Semi-bold #361946
  • P: calc( 15px + 4 * (100vw / 1500)) Regular #464646
  • A: #89288f
  • Light text is all #fffff
