Repository Description:
🚀 Frontend Masters DSA Course
In this repository, you'll find my own implementations for the Algorithms and Data Structures Course by Frontend Masters. The Frame of the Project is developed by ThePrimeagen. Algorithm and Datastructure implementations can be found in kata-machine/src/{day}.
🚀 Developed and Implemented Independently!
During this course, I didn't just acquire theoretical knowledge; I also gained practical experience by developing and documenting all the algorithms and data structures myself in this repository. It was a challenging but extremely rewarding experience. 💪
What You Can Find Here:
- Algorithms: From sorting algorithms to search algorithms—everything has been implemented by me.
- Data Structures: You'll find self-developed data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, and more.
- Examples and Exercises: For a deeper understanding and practical application of what I've learned.