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Twitter / X Clone built using Angular, Tailwind CSS, Spring Boot, MySQL and Docker.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Twitter Clone

The objetive is to replicated the Social Media Twitter with some upgrades for the user experience.

📼 Video representation

Twitter Clone Demonstration

📜Table of Contents

♨️ Phase 0 - Team formation and features

🔨 Team Members

Name Email Nickname
Sergio de Oro Fernández @keyland71
Laura María Camino Yuste @Camyus027
Antonio José Alanís Bernal @antonioalanxs
Ikár Martínez de Lizarduy Kostornichenko @KandV008
Miguel Ángel Sánchez Miranda @MiguelAngelSM

To organize the team, we are using Trello

📑 Requirements

🏠 Entities

  • Tweets
  • Hashtags
  • User
  • Notifications

ER Diagram

👤 Type of User

  • Anonymous → User which has not signed up in the application but still has access to a few functionalities.
  • Registered → User who has already signed up in the application and has a wide variety of available functionalities.
  • Admin → User who has the overall control of the platform, having the strongest set of permissions

📙 User Permissions

User Tweets People Hashtags Notifications
Anonymous Read Read(See their profile) Read (can search them and read the impressions) Nothing
Admin Read, write (their own), detele (every tweet) Read, delete, write (their own profile) Read, write Read
Registered Read, write (their own), delete (their Own) Read, write (their own profile) Read, write Read
Permissions Affects to
Images All registered users can upload images
Graphics Admin users can consult graphics with the statistics of the web (Number of new registered users)
Complementary Technologies
Mail Sender

🎭 Use Cases

useCase1 Figure 1 - Sign Up and Log In

useCase2 Figure 2 - Admin permissions

useCase3 Figure 3 - General permissions

useCase4 Figure 4 - Registered permissions

useCase5 Figure 5 - User Actions

✅ User Requirements

Requirements Anonymous User Registered User Admin User
Sign up ✔️
Log in ✔️ ✔️
See the preview ✔️
Search (using filters) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
See tweet information ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Interact with a tweet (retweet, like and comment) ✔️ ✔️
Reply to a tweet ✔️ ✔️
Save a tweet ✔️ ✔️
Write a tweet ✔️ ✔️
Delete a tweet ✔️ ✔️
Visualize recommend users ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Receive notifications ✔️ ✔️
Receive email notifications ✔️
Visualize statistics ✔️
Edit profile ✔️ ✔️
Visualize profile ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Follow a profile ✔️ ✔️
Visualize tendencies ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Ban users ✔️
Unbanned users ✔️
Delete tweets ✔️
Verificate users ✔️
Unverificate user ✔️

🚩 Non Functional Requirements

  • Must abide by the law (Of each continent/country in which is it used)
  • Supports tweets comprising text and pictures
  • Generating the timeline should be fast within half a second (at most)
  • Systems must be available at all times (scalability and availability)
  • Data should be durable
  • Security must be ensured at all phases
  • The size of a tweet is 240 characters at most

🎯 Advanced algorithms

  • Recommended Systems
    • We will create a SQL query to recommend new profiles to our registered users using collaborative filtering techniques.
  • Search
    • We will create a strong search algorithm able to adapt to the filters that users select to provide an accurate and fast result.

📐 Phase 1 - Layout

💻 Screens

index.html Figure 6 - index.html

login.html Figure 7 - login.html

signup.html Figure 8 - signup.html

home.html Figure 9 - home.html

explore.html Figure 10 - explore.html

explore.html Figure 11 - explore-anonymous.html

explore.html Figure 12 - explore-anonymous-tweets.html

bookmarks.html Figure 13 - bookmarks.html

notifications.html Figure 14 - notifications.html

profile.html Figure 15 - profile.html

profile.html Figure 16 - edit-profile.html

dashboard.html Figure 17 - dashboard.html

stats.html Figure 18 - stats.html

write-tweet.html Figure 19 - write-tweet.html

reply-tweet.html Figure 20 - reply-tweet.html

error.html Figure 21 - error.html

✈️ Navigation Map

Color User Movement
🔵 All users
🟢 Registered Users
🔴 Admin Users

Main Navigation Map

navigationMap Figure 22 - Navigation Map 1

Navigation Map of the Anonymous User

navigationMap2 Figure 23 - Navigation Map 2

Navigation Map of the Admin User

navigationMap3 Figure 24 - Navigation Map 3

New user registration and password recovery Navigation Map

navigationMap4 Figure 25 - Navigation Map 4

📡 Phase 2 - Web with server-generated HTML and AJAX

✒️ Start-up of the aplication

🐾 Steps

  1. Check Requirements
  2. Clone the repository
git clone
cd webapp8
  1. Configure DataBase
  2. Configure IDE
  3. Run Application
cd ProjectBackEnd\src\main\java\com\TwitterClone\ProjectBackend
javac ProjectBackendApplication
  1. Go to localhost URL
  2. Use the default users to navigate or create a new user

DataBase Configuration

Section Value
Port 3306
User name Admin
Password password
  • Create a user with name Admin and password "password" with DB admin as user role
  • Configure MySQL Server as Windows Service
  • Grant full access to the user
  • Create a new Schema named twitter in the server using MySQL Workbench

Note: If you have selected to not let the server to run when the system starts you can run the server with Windows R and execute the command "services.msc". In the list you can find MySQL server and run it.

IDE Configuration

Enviroment Variable


MySQL v.8.0.32
JDK 17
Spring Boot 2.7.4

🔐 Sample users

User Username Password
@admin admin *adminpass*
@user user *pass*
@antonioalanxs antonioalanxs *examplePassword3*
@Keyland71 Keyland71 *examplePassword2*
@ibai ibai *ibai*
@Rubiu5 Rubiu5 *rubius*

📇 DataBase


Figure 26 - DataBase

🎴 Diagrams


Figure 27 - Class Diagram

👥 Members Participation - Phase 2

Sergio De Oro Fernández

  • Creator and controller of all notifications, his great creativity has allowed logical and ingenious solutions.
# Commit # File
Fix tweet's buttons visual
Create and Delete Like notifications
Add create and delete notification system
Show all user-type svg
Add showing notifications LoadNotificationsAssets.js

Laura María Camino Yuste

  • Our security scientist has prepared all the security of our application, together with all the user and session management logic.
# Commit # File
Add Signup Logic
Fix Login Bug
Add verify account through email
Add Change Password functionality
Fix CSRF management

Antonio José Alanís Bernal

  • Main designer artist, he has created the entire visual section of the web application, together with all the logic referring to the profiles of the different users.
# Commit # File
Add AJAX to profile page Ajax.js
Add AJAX to follow page
Add user's tweets to profile
Add edit profile logic and refactor template
Show user profile Profile.html

Ikár Vladislav Martínez de Lizarduy Kostornichenko

  • Worker of the bridge between the front and the backend of the web application, together with the documentation of our website.
# Commit # File
Conect Front and Back end for trends
Add Navigation with Spring Ajax.js
Add tweet creation
Add to be able to see tweets associated with a hashtag
Fix problem with AJAX

Miguel Ángel Sánchez Miranda

  • Manager of everything related to the Database, being the one who most dominates this aspect with his great ability to perform queries.
# Commit # File
Data Base migration to MySQL
Add Admin dashboard mustache and statics
Rework DataBase to fix circular references AdminDashboard.html
Add new queries to Tweet
Update Hashtag

🐋 Phase 3 - Add a REST API to the web application and package with Docker

📮 API REST documentation

URLs api-docs.yaml In Production For Developers

📲 Dockerized application execution instructions

  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Go to docker folder
cd webapp8/docker
  1. Install Docker
  2. Run Docker
  3. Execute file
  1. Open your favorite Internet browser
  2. The application will be at https://localhost:8443 👌

🐳 Documentation for building the docker image

  1. Create an account on Dockerhub
  2. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Go to docker folder
cd webapp8/docker
  1. Install Docker
  2. Run Docker
  3. Connect your account to Docker
  4. Execute file
./ accountName/imageName:version

👥 Members Participation - Phase 3

Sergio De Oro Fernández

  • One of those in charge of Dockerizar, has standardized and formatted the documents associated with the practice thanks to his temperance, allowing to have a uniform work.
# Commit # File
Reformat AJAX from notifications and hashtags
Fix followers and followed page Dockerfile
Fix DBInitializer for Docker docker-compose.yml
Add docker-compose file ajax.js
Add Dockerfile

Laura María Camino Yuste

  • User protector and member of the REST API creation team, her security management has allowed our future clients not to suffer any data leakage.
# Commit # File
Finish Rest Security Configuration
Add UserSignUpRestController
Add SearchRestController
Add AdminDashBoardRestController
Add ResetPasswordRestController

Antonio José Alanís Bernal

  • Member of the application dockerization team, he has refactored the code to adapt it and allow the permanence of our database.
# Commit # File
Add Dockerfile
Add docker-compose file Dockerfile
Fix DBInitializer for Docker docker-compose.yml
Update with Docker documentation

Ikár Vladislav Martínez de Lizarduy Kostornichenko

  • Phase leader and documenter, and member of the REST API team. The extensive knowledge of him has allowed a calm phase and without unforeseen events.
# Commit # File
Add RestNotificationController
Add RestHashtagController
Add RestImageController
Add API REST documentation
Add all API REST petitions from PostMan Twitter's Clone.postman_collection.json

Miguel Ángel Sánchez Miranda

  • Database analyst and one of the creators of the Twitter clone REST API, his extensive knowledge in information management has allowed there to be no problems when creating the files that are sent by the API.
# Commit # File
Add Profile Methods for API
Add Post methods to RestTweetController
Add GET methods to RestTweetController
Add PUT methods to RestTweetController
Create JsonViews

🌆 Phase 4 - Implementation of the web with SPA architecture

🏭 Start-up of the application with Angular

🌱 Technical Requirements

Is Needed

🚥 Steps

Before to execute Angular, is needed to execute the API REST. To do that, is necessary to follow the indication of execution of the backend.

With that configurated, now we can start with Angular:

Zero, you need to download Angular to execute this web application.

npm install -g @angular/cli

First, you need to clone the project and redirect to the ProjectFrontEnd directory.

git clone
cd webapp8/ProjectFrontEnd

Second, you need to install all the necessary modules.

npm install

Third, you need to execute angular with the proxy

npm start

🌉 Angular component diagrams and templates


🐾 Deployment Steps

  1. Connect to the virtual machine using the command:
ssh -i appWeb-08 vmuser@
  1. Clone the repository in the virtual machine with the following command:
git clone
  1. Go to the docker folder inside the repository tha you just clone:
cd webapp8/docker/
  1. Execute the following command to run the docker-compose file:
docker-compose up -d
  1. The application will be accesible in the following URLs: (SPA) (Mustache)

  2. To stop the deployment, run the following command:

docker-compose down

👥 Members Participation - Phase 4

Sergio De Oro Fernández

  • Notifier par excellence. His art of notifying different users allows no account to be left without knowing the latest news related to it.
# Commit # File
Add Right-Bar component fixed notification.component.ts
Fix notification component right-bar.component.ts
Add notification service notification-list.component.ts
Add notification-list component notifications.component.ts
Add getRecommendedUsers to API REST searcher.component.ts

Laura María Camino Yuste

  • Manager of everything related to login and user creation. It also handles everything related to the emails that are sent to the different registered accounts.
# Commit # File
Add Login Component and Service explorer.component.ts
Update search Screen search.component.ts
Update Explorer Screen hashtag.component.ts
Add Reset-password Component ogin.component.ts
Update SignUp component and service login.service.ts

Antonio José Alanís Bernal

  • Web application routing artist. Her extensive knowledge in this field has allowed a pleasant experience when browsing our website.
# Commit # File
Fix Tweet list component error left-bar.component.ts
Refactor bookmarks.component.ts
Refactor some components router.ts
Upgrade Left bar component app.component.ts
Fix bars components index.component.ts

Ikár Vladislav Martínez de Lizarduy Kostornichenko

  • Illustrator of the profiles, has outlined the User entity and has allowed the connection between all Twitter users. He has also managed user editing.
# Commit # File
Add Profile Component dashboard.component.ts
Add statistics to Dashboard Component profile.component.ts
Add Dashboard Component edit-profile.component.ts
Add edit profile component theme-switcher.component.ts
Add followers/followed users screen user.component.ts

Miguel Ángel Sánchez Miranda

  • A master in everything related to the Tweet entity, he has created the entire Tweet publication system together with the entire Tweet interaction system, from comments to likes and retweets.
# Commit # File
Create write-tweet page tweet-list.component.ts
Update tweet-list component tweet-service.ts
Make interactions work in tweet component tweet.component.ts
4 Add show-tweet page write-tweet.component.ts
Create tweet service show-tweet.component.ts