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ColossusXT v1.2.4

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@pavik pavik released this 23 Apr 20:10

COLX Core version 1.2.4 is now available from:

This new minor version release includes various bug fixes and improvements.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github:

Non-Mandatory Update

COLX Core v1.2.4 is a non-mandatory update to address bugs and introduce minor enhancements that do not require a network change.

How to Upgrade

Shut down wallet. Wait until it has completely shut down, then run the installer on Windows or just copy over /Applications/COLX-Qt (on Mac) or colxd/colx-qt (on Linux).


COLX Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using
the Linux kernel, macOS 10.8+, and Windows Vista and later.

Microsoft ended support for Windows XP on April 8th, 2014,
No attempt is made to prevent installing or running the software on Windows XP, you
can still do so at your own risk but be aware that there are known instabilities and issues.
Please do not report issues about Windows XP to the issue tracker.

COLX Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not
frequently tested on them.

Change Log

Transaction fee depends on SPORK_21_ENFORCE_MIN_TX_FEE

If spork SPORK_21_ENFORCE_MIN_TX_FEE is active than transaction fee will be set to the minimum required value automatically.