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Dazza Greenwood edited this page Jan 30, 2017 · 21 revisions

MIT/IAP Computational Law DataVR Workshop

In-Person: Room E15-341

Questions? If you are enrolled in the course, use our GiHub issues tool and a course instructor or volunteer will reply directly:

DataVR Day 2: January 24

2-2:30pm - Team Project Updates and Logistics

2:30-4:30pm - Rapid Project Design/Prototyping

  • Teams work on projects
  • Roving mentors

4:30pm - Pizza Break!

  • Thomson Reuters Innovation Lab brings pizza, beverages and other means of innovating law

4:45-6:00pm - Project Presentations and Feedback

Project Slides for: Before It's Too Late

Project Slides for: ScatterViz

Project Slides for: VR Data and Education

Project Slides for: Legal Analytics Data Challenge (TBA)

  • Project Scratchpad (TBA)

6:00-6:15pm - (Optional) Wrap up and Next Steps

  • Thanks and Wrap Up for Data Visualization with VR Workshop Module
  • Preview of January 30 + 31 Digital Law Lecture and Discussion Sessions

Other Relevant Links and Info

Participating Online?

DataVR Tutorials:

Preview of Simmetri

Amedeo Mapelli and members of his team will be on hand during the DataVR Module to work with students who wish to use Simmetri to develop VR environments for their team projects. In some cases, student teams with little or no technical skills will be able to use new data visualizations tools being added to Simmetri to get a variety of simple projects started quickly. Amedeo has kindly offered to assist student teams to develop more complex design goals as part of this course, as time permits. Below is a preview of some of the new data ingestion, transformation, modeling, visualization and exploration features currently being added to Simmetri:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

DataVR Links and Resources:


Monday, January 23: DataVR

* 2-3pm - Talks and Tutorials

Live broadcast:

Welcome & Overview:

  • Dazza Greenwood, Course Instructor




Use Cases and Context:

3-3:30 Team and Project Formation:

Quick round of project idea pitches

  • Break into teams to develop project ideas
  • Note: Instructors, collaborators and volunteers will work with teams

Project Pitches:

3:30-5:30pm - Rapid Project Design/Prototyping

5:45-6:15pm - Wrap Up First Day and Next Steps