🤖 This Bot might be Confusing but this bot has many useful features..
which upgrade your server and simplify the daily life on it!
Note: This Bot isn't supported anymore and the code is pretty dirty since I learned with it the main concepts of Java!
# confusing-db is an internal reference to the 'db' container (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50927680/how-to-access-postgres-docker-container-other-docker-container-without-ip-addres)
- Run
mvn -DskipTests clean dependency:list install
to build the ConfusingBot with dependencies - Run
java -jar target/ConfusingBot-[YOUR_VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar
to execute the ConfusingBot
- Install the Heroku CLI and add it to the environment variables
- Run
mvn clean compile assembly:single heroku:deploy
to deploy the ConfusingBot to Heroku - Run
heroku logs --app confusing-bot
to see the logs
Commands that Heroku executes to execute the Java Project:
- Build
mvn -DskipTests clean dependency:list install
- Start
defined in Procfile
Connect to psql database
heroku pg:psql --app confusing-bot