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Список функций скриптов ModPE (ModPE scripts function list in Russian)

usernameak edited this page Jul 15, 2015 · 5 revisions

######Это список всех функций ModPE, доступных из BlockLauncher.

######Хук-функции (хуки) должны быть определены скриптом, а функции, получающие значение (getter) вызываются из скрипта и возвращают данные. Остальные просто вызываются из скрипта.

#Содержание ###[Hook Functions] (

###[Text Functions] (

###[GET Functions] (

###[SET Functions] (

###[Spawn Functions] (

###[Miscellaneous Functions] (

###[BlockLauncher-only functions] (

###[Object-Orientated Functions] ( ####[ModPE] (

####[Level] (

####[Player] (

####[Entity] (

####[Block] (

####[Renderer] (

In a commit previously, entities are no longer passed in objects of NativeEntity but in entity ids.

Function If it is on this Wiki Parameters (String = text, int = integer, float & double = decimal number, NativeEntity = local specified entity, boolean = true/false, null = no parameters) Returns
addItemInventory Да int itemId, int count, int damage null
bl_setMobSkin Да NativeEntity entity, String url null
bl_spawnMob Да float x, float y, float z, int entityType, String skinUrl NativeEntity for the spawned mob
clientMessage Да String message null
explode Да float x, float y, float y, float radius null
getCarriedItem Да null id of the carried item
getLevel Нет null
getPitch Да null pitch of player
getPlayerEnt Да null NativeEntity for the player
getPlayerX Да null the player's x-axis location
getPlayerY Да null the player's y-axis location
getPlayerZ Да null the player's z-axis location
getTile Да int x, int y, int z id of the block at (x,y,z)
getYaw Да null yaw of player
preventDefault Да null null
print Да String message null
rideAnimal Да NativeEntity rider, NativeEntity mount null
setNightMode Да boolean isNight null
setPosition Да NativeEntity entityToMove, double x, double y, double z null
setPositionRelative Да NativeEntity entity, double x, double y, double z null
setRot Да NativeEntity entity, double yaw, double pitch null
setTile Да int x, int y, int z, int blockId, int damage null
setVelX Да NativeEntity ent, double amount null
setVelY Да NativeEntity ent, double amount null
setVelZ Да NativeEntity ent, double amount null
spawnChicken Да double x, double y, double z (texture not supported in BlockLauncher) NativeEntity for the spawned chicken
spawnCow Да double x, double y, double z (texture not supported in BlockLauncher) NativeEntity for the spawned cow
spawnPigZombie Да double x, double y, double z , int item (texture not supported in BlockLauncher) NativeEntity for the spawned zombie pigzombie
ModPE.joinServer Да String serverAddress, int port
ModPE.langedit Нет String option, String data null
ModPE.leaveGame Да null null
ModPE.log Нет String
ModPE.overrideTexture Да String filepath, String url null
ModPE.readData Да String dataName data of dataName
ModPE.removeData Да String dataName null
ModPE.resetImages Да null null
ModPE.saveData Да String dataName, String dataValue null
ModPE.selectLevel Да String levelDir, String levelName, String levelSeed, int gamemode null
ModPE.setFoodItem Да int unusedId, int itemPngY, int itemPnX, int halfhearts, String name null
ModPE.setGameSpeed Да double ticksPerSecond (default is 20) null
ModPE.setGuiBlocks Да String url null
ModPE.setItem Да int unusedId, int itemPngY, int itemPngX, String newName null
ModPE.setItems Да String url null
ModPE.setTerrain Да String url null
ModPE.takeScreenshot Да String fileName
Item.addCraftRecipe Да int id, int count, int damage, Array ingredients null
Item.addFurnaceRecipe Да int id, int damage, int inputid null
Item.setCategory Да int id, itemCategory null
Item.addShapedRecipe Да int id, int count, int damage, Array ingredients null
Level.addParticle Нет int particleType, double x, double y, double z, double velX, double velY, double velZ, double size null
Level.dropItem Нет double x, double y, double z, double range, int id, int count, int damage NativeEntity for the dropped item
Level.explode Да double x, double y, double z, double radius null
Level.getAddress Нет null (nobody knows)
Level.getChestSlot Нет int x, int y, int z, int slot id of item at slot slot in chest at (x,y,z), or null/0 if not a chest
Level.getChestSlotCount Нет int x, int y, int z, int slot count of item at slot slot in chest at (x,y,z), or null/0 if not a chest
Level.getChestSlotData Нет int x, int y, int z, int slot damage value of item at slot slot in chest at (x,y,z), or null/0 if not a chest
Level.getData Да int x, int y, int z damage value of block at (x,y,z)
Level.getGameMode Да null 0 or 1 for survival or creative
Level.getSignText Нет int x, int y, int z, int line sign text at line line at (x,y,z), or ""/null/0 if not a sign
Level.getTile Да int x, int y, int z id of block (x,y,z)
Level.getTime Нет null time (with reference to PocketInvEditor "Edit World Info")
Level.getWorldDir Да null directory name of world
Level.getWorldName Да null name of world
Level.playSound Да double x, double y, double z, String sound, double volume, double pitch null
Level.playSoundEnt Да NativeEntity ent, String sound, double volume, double pitch null
Level.setChestSlot Нет int x, int y, int z, int slot, int id, int damage, int amount null
Level.setGameMode Да int gameMode null
Level.setNightMode Да boolean null
Level.setSignText Нет int x, int y, int z, int line, String text null
Level.setSpawn Нет int x, int y, int z null
Level.setTile Да int x, int y, int z, int id null
Level.setTime Нет int time null
Level.spawnChicken Да double x, double y, double z, String texture NativeEntity for spawned chicken
Level.spawnCow Да double x, double y, double z, String texture NativeEntity for spawned cow
Level.spawnMob Нет double x, double y, double z, int EntityId, String texture NativeEntity for spawned mob
Level.getBrightness Нет int x, int y, int z Brightness at position (x,y,z)
Player.addItemInventory Да int id, int amount, int damage null
Player.clearInventorySlot Нет int slot null
Player.getArmorSlot Нет int slot id of armor at slot slot
Player.getArmorSlotDamage Нет int slot damage value of armor at slot slot
Player.getCarriedItem Да null id of holding item
Player.getCarriedItemCount Нет null count of holding item
Player.getCarriedItemData Нет null damage value of holding item
Player.getEntity Да null getPlayerEnt()
Player.getInventorySlot Нет int slot id of item in player inventory slot slot
Player.getInventorySlotCount Нет int slot count of item in player inventory slot slot
Player.getInventorySlotData Нет int slot damage value of item in player inventory slot slot
Player.getSelectedSlotId Нет null
Player.getX Да null x-axis of player
Player.getY Да null player y-axis
Player.getZ Да null player z-axis
Player.setCanFly Да int Player will able to fly
Player.setArmorSlot Нет int slot, int id, int damage null
Player.setHealth Нет int halfhearts null
Player.addItemCreativeInv Да int id, int amount, int damage null
Entity.addEffect Да NativeEntity animal, int EffectId, int duration, int amplification, boolean ambient, boolean showParticles null
Entity.getAnimalAge Да NativeEntity animal animal age
Entity.getEntityTypeId Да NativeEntity animal type id of animal, with reference to
Entity.getHealth Нет NativeEntity animal half-hearts of animal
Entity.getPitch Да NativeEntity animal pitch of animal
Entity.getX Да NativeEntity animal animal x-axis
Entity.getY Да NativeEntity animal animal y-axis
Entity.getYaw Да NativeEntity animal animal yaw
Entity.getZ Да NativeEntity animal animal z-axis
Entity.remove Да NativeEntity animal null
Entity.rideAnimal Да NativeEntity rider, NativeEntity mount null
Entity.setAnimalAge Да NativeEntity animal, int age (Age ranges from -24000 to 0 null
Entity.setCarriedItem Да NativeEntity ent, int id, int count, int damage null
Entity.setFireTicks Нет NativeEntity ent, int howLong (seconds) null
Entity.setHealth Нет NativeEntity ent, int halfhearts null
Entity.setMobSkin Нет NativeEntity entity, String texture null
Entity.setPosition Да NativeEntity ent, double x, double y, double z null
Entity.setPositionRelative Да NativeEntity ent, double x, double y, double z null
Entity.setRenderType Да NativeEntity ent, int renderType, with reference to null
Entity.setRot Да NativeEntity ent, double yaw, double pitch null
Entity.setVelX Да NativeEntity ent, double amount null
Entity.setVelY Да NativeEntity ent, double amount null
Entity.setVelZ Да NativeEntity ent, double amount null
Entity.spawnMob Да double x, double y, double z, int EntityId, String texture NativeEntity of spawned mob
Entity.setNameTag Да EntityId, name null
Block.defineBlock Да int id, String name, String texture, int materialSourceId, boolean opaque, int render type null
Block.setShape Да int id, double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2 null
Block.setColor Да int id, array htmlColor null
Block.setDestroyTime Да int id, double time null
Block.setExplosionResistance Да int id, double resistance null
Block.setLightLevel Да int id, int level null
Block.setLightOpacity Да int id, int darkness null
Block.setRenderLayer Да int id, int renderLayer null

#Hook Functions #####These functions are used to execute other functions when certain actions are performed


function useItem(x,y,z,чемТапнули,idБлокаНаКоторыйТапнули,сторона,дамагТогоЧемТапнули,дамагБлокаНаКоторыйТапнули);
  • Этот хук вызывается, когда мы тапаем по блоку
  • Он даёт следующие данные:
    • Куда мы тапнули
    • ID и дамаг того, чем тапнули
    • ID и дамаг блока, на который тапнули
    • С какой стороны мы тапнули
  • Параметры x,y,z,чемТапнули,idБлокаНаКоторыйТапнули,сторона,дамагТогоЧемТапнули,дамагБлокаНаКоторыйТапнули принимают числа


function useItem(x, y, z, iID, bID, side, iDmg, bDmg) {
	if (iId==280) {
		clientMessage("Вы тапнули на блок палкой");


function attackHook(attacker,victim);
  • This executes a specified function when the player taps or attacks another mob
  • This can be used to execute functions on the player, as well as the victim
  • The parameters attacker, victim accept a native entity


function attackHook(attacker, victim) {
	if (attacker == Player.getEntity()) {
		clientMessage("Sir, you shouldn't attack others.");
	} else {
		clientMessage("Sir, you are under attack!");


function modTick();
  • This can be used for executing timed functions
  • This executes a specified function once every twentienth of a second (20 times per second)
  • Accepts no parameters
  • preventDefault() in this hook is useless


function modTick() {
	clientMessage("Spam...!"); //shows in chat 20 times a second


function procCmd(cmd);
  • This executes the specified command when something is entered into the chat


function procCmd(cmd) {
	cmd = cmd.toLowerCase();
	if (cmd == "help"){
		clientMessage("Was this helpful enough?");

###newLevel and leaveGame

  • preventDefault() in these two hooks is useless
function newLevel();
  • This executes the specified function when the world starts generating
  • Accepts no parameters


function newLevel() {
	clientMessage("Welcome player");
function leaveGame();
  • This executes the specified function when the player leaves the world
  • Accepts no parameters


function leaveGame() {

###entityAdded and entityRemoved

function entityAddedHook(entity);
  • This hook is called when a new entity is added.
  • Also includes arrows and falling blocks.


function entityAddedHook(entity) {
	if (Entity.getEntityTypeId(entity) == 33) {
		clientMessage("Watch out, a creeper has spawned!");
function entityRemovedHook(entity);
  • This hook is called when an entity despawns or dies.


function entityRemovedHook(entity) {
	if (Entity.getEntityTypeId(entity) == 81) {	
		clientMessage("A snowball was thrown and has now broke.");


function deathHook(murderer, victim);
  • This hook is called when a mob dies.
  • Both parameters are NativeEntity.


function deathHook(murderer, victim) {
	if (Player.getEntity() == murderer) {
		clientMessage("How could you?!");

###levelEvent and blockEvent

function levelEventHook(entity,eventType,x,y,z,data):
  • Called when a door is opened or closed.
  • The first parameter is equal to getPlayerEnt();
  • All other parameters are int.
function blockEventHook(x,y,z,eventType,data);
  • Called every three seconds for chests to announce their opened/closed state.
  • All parameters are int.

Note: if you are adding a BlockLauncher-specific method, please add it to one of the namespaces (Entity, Level, ModPE, Player) instead of the top-level namespace.

#Text Functions #####These functions are used to display text ###print

function print("text");
  • This displays the specified text as a pop-up toast message
  • The parameter text accepts a string


function clientMessage("text");
  • This displays the specified text in the chat
  • The parameter text accepts a string

#GET Functions #####These functions are used to get specified information, and do not make on screen changes ###getPlayerX, getPlayerY, getPlayerZ

function getPlayerX();
function getPlayerY();
function getPlayerZ();
  • This gets the player's current X, Y and Z coordinate
  • Accepts no parameters


function getPlayerEnt();
  • This gets the player's native entity ID
  • Accepts no parameters

###getYaw and getPitch

  • These functions get values from the player's head rotation in degrees
function getYaw(ent);
  • This gets the entity's current yaw (left/right head rotation)
  • Has an infinite highest and lowest value
  • The parameter ent accepts a native entity
  • If no parameter is specified, this will default to the player
function getPitch(ent);
  • This gets the entities's current pitch (up/down head rotation)
  • Highest and lowest values are 90 and -90 respectively
  • The parameter ent accepts a native entity
  • If no parameter is specified, this will default to the player


function getGamemode(gamemode);
  • Gets the world gamemode
  • The parameter "gamemode" accepts a number
  • Returns a string


function getCarriedItem();
  • This gets the Data Value of the item or block the player is currently holding
  • Accepts no parameters


function getTile(x,y,z);
  • This gets the data value of the block at the specified coordinates
  • The parameters x, y, z accept a number

#SET Functions #####These functions are used to set information and values ###setPosition

function setPosition(ent,x,y,z);
  • This sets the location of the specified entity to the specified coordinates
  • The parameter ent accepts a native entity
  • The parameters x, y, z accept a number
  • If attackHook is not used, getPlayerEnt() can be used as the ent parameter


function setPositionRelative(ent,x,y,z);
  • This sets the location of the specified entity relative to the current coordinates.
  • The parameter ent accepts a native entity
  • The parameters x, y, z accept a number
  • If attackHook is not used, getPlayerEnt() should be used as the ent parameter


function setRot(ent,yaw,pitch);
  • This sets the rotation of the specified entity's head to the specified yaw and pitch
  • The parameter ent accepts a native entity
  • The parameters yaw, pitch accept a number
  • If attackHook is not used, getPlayerEnt() should be used as the ent parameter

###setVelX, setVelY, setVelZ

function setVelX(ent,velocity);
function setVelY(ent,velocity);
function setVelZ(ent,velocity);
  • This sets the X, Y, and Z velocities of the specified entity (respectively)
  • The parameter ent accepts a native entity
  • The parameter velocity accepts a number
  • If attackHook is not used, getPlayerEnt() should be used as the ent parameter


function setGamemode(gamemode)
  • Changes the player gamemode


function setTile(x,y,z,blockID,damageValue);
  • This sets the specified Block ID at the specified X, Y, and Z coordinates
  • The parameters x, y, z, blockID, damageValue accept a number


function setPlayerHealth(halfHearts);
  • This sets the specified health of the player
  • The parameter halfHearts accepts a number

#Spawn Functions #####These are functions used to spawn entities ###spawnCow, spawnChicken, and spawnPigZombie

function spawnCow(x,y,z,"image");
function spawnChicken(x,y,z,"image");
  • These spawn a cow or a chicken at the specified X, Y, and Z coordinates
  • An image found in the assets folder of the Minecraft Pocket Edition archive can be used as the parameter "image"
  • The parameters x, y, z accept a number
  • The parameter image accepts a string
  • Returns the entity spawned
function spawnPigZombie(x,y,z,heldItemID,"image");
  • This spawns a zombie pigman at the specified X, Y, and Z coordinates
  • Accepts a data value for the heldItemID parameter
  • An image found in the assets folder of the Minecraft Pocket Edition archive can be used as the parameter "image"
  • The parameters x, y, z, heldItemID accept a number
  • The parameter image accepts a string
  • Returns the entity spawned

#Miscellaneous Functions #####These are functions that don't fit in other categories, and are more random than other functions ###explode

function explode(x,y,z,radius);
  • This causes an explosion, where the centre is at the specified X, Y and Z coordinates
  • The size of the explosion is based upon the specified raduis
  • The parameters x, y, z, radius accept a number


function rideAnimal(player,target);
  • This makes the player ride the target mob
  • The parameters player, target accept a native entity


function addItemInventory(ID,amount,damageValue);
  • This adds the specified amount of the specified item/block to the player's inventory
  • The parameters ID, amount, damageValue accept a number


function preventDefault();
  • This prevents the default response of the action from occuring
  • Accepts no parameters

#BlockLauncher-only Functions #####These functions are only available on BlockLauncher, and can be identified by the bl_ before the function name ###bl_spawnMob

function bl_spawnMob(x,y,z,mobID,"image");
  • Deprecated (shows toast/clientMessage "Nag: update to Level.spawnMob"), use Level.spawnMob instead
  • This can spawn any mob found in Minecraft Pocket Edition, specified by the mobID, at the specified X, Y, and Z coordinates
  • An image found in the assets folder of the Minecraft Pocket Edition archive can be used as the parameter image
  • The parameters x, y, z, mobID accept a number
  • The parameter image accepts a string


function setMobSkin(mob,"image");

#Object-Orientated Functions ##ModPE ###leaveGame

function ModPE.leaveGame()
  • Quits to the title screen. (warning: your script will cease to execute one tick later)
  • Accepts no parameters


function ModPE.overrideTexture("folder/targetTexture.png","");
  • This overrides the specified target texture, and replaces it with the desired texture
  • Not implemented in BlockLauncher as of version 1.4.5


function ModPE.readData(key);
  • This returns the value of the specified key, created by saveData
  • This was bl_readData before BlockLauncher 1.4.5
  • The parameter key accepts a string


function ModPE.removeData(key)
  • Removes data stored with ModPE.saveData
  • The parameter key accepts a string


function ModPE.resetImages();
  • Resets all textures and images to their defaults
  • Accepts no parameters


function ModPE.saveData(key,value);
  • This function can save any data
  • Can be recalled by using the key on readData
  • The parameters key, value accept a string
  • This was bl_saveData before BlockLauncher 1.4.5


function ModPE.setItem(id,"texture",dataColourAmount,"name");
  • This is used to create new, custom textured items, with custom names
  • The texture's parameter use MCPE texture names, and is used to create the texture of the new item, based upon the items_opaque.png file


function ModPE.setFoodItem(ID,imageX,imageY,halfHeartsHealed,"name");
  • This is used to create new, custom textured food items, with custom names
  • The parameters ID, imageX, imageY, halfHeartsHealed accept a number
  • The parameter name accepts a string
  • Only works on BlockLauncher 1.4.5 and later


function Item.addCraftRecipe(id, count, damage, [inputid, inputcount, inputdamage, ...])
  • This is used to add new crafting recipes
  • The last parameter is an array of input materials.
  • Only works on BlockLauncher 1.6.7 beta 2 and later
  • Named ModPE.addCraftRecipe() In 1.6.7 beta 2


Item.addCraftRecipe(256, 1, 0, [1, 1]); //gives iron shovel from stone ;)


function Item.addShapedRecipe(id, count, damage, [topSquare, middleSquare, bottomSquare], [key, itemId, itemDamage,...])
  • This is used to add new shaped crafting recipes
  • Only works on BlockLauncher 1.7.1 or later


Item.addShapedRecipe(256, 1, 0, [
\\showing where the ingredients go
" s ",
" t ",
" t "
//now telling the game what the "s" and "t" mean (s is id of 1, damage 0)
["s", 1, 0, "t", 280, 0]); //gives iron shovel from stone ;)


function Item.addFurnaceRecipe(outputid,outputdamage,inputid);
  • This is used to add new smelting recipes
  • You can only specify item id in input (no damage)
  • Only works on BlockLauncher 1.6.7 beta 2 and later
  • Called ModPE.addFurnaceRecipe() Prior From 1.6.8+


Item.addFurnaceRecipe(276,0,269); //gives a diamond sword from a wooden shovel :P


function Item.setItemCategory(itemid,itemcategory);


Item.setItemCategory(itemid,ItemCategory.FOOD); //sets item with id 256 to show in the FOOD category of the crafting table

###setGuiBlocks, setItems, setTerrain

function ModPE.setGuiBlocks("");
function ModPE.setItems("");
function ModPE.setTerrain("")
  • This overrides the current texture with the specified one.
  • Must be a HTTP URL to a .png file
  • Not implemented in BlockLauncher as of version 1.4.5
  • Only Blocklauncher pro users can use these functions.


function ModPE.joinServer("server ip","server port");
  • This lets you join a server at any time.
  • Type in the Port and IP and make it push and you will be put on the specified server.


function ModPE.setGameSpeed(ticks);
  • Set the ticks in a second.
  • The default is 20 ticks per second.
  • Using this will reduce the time modTick() takes to push a function.
  • This will speed up everything in the game when ticks are more than 20.


function ModPE.takeScreenshot("fileName");
  • Take a screenshot using BlockLauncher's screenshot feature.
  • The fileName parameter lets you change what you want the screenshot name to be.



function Level.getGamemode(gamemode);
  • This is the same as [function getGamemode]


function Level.explode(x,y,z,radius);


function Level.getTile(x,y,z);


function Level.playSound(getPlayerX(),getPlayerY(),getPlayerZ(), sound, volume, pitch);
  • Plays a sound
  • "sound" accepts any of the sounds from this list of sounds
  • "volume" accepts a number
  • "pitch" accepts a number


function useItem(x,y,z,itemId,blockId,side){
if(blockId==1){ //If block is stone
Level.playSound(getPlayerX(),getPlayerY(),getPlayerZ(),"random.explode",30,25); //Play an explosion sound when stone is tapped



function Level.playSoundEnt(ent, sound, volume, pitch);

  • Plays a sound around an entity
  • "ent" accepts a Native entity id


function Level.getData(x,y,z);
  • This gets the damage value of the block at the specified coordinates
  • The parameters x, y, z accept a number


function Level.getWorldDir();
  • This returns the name of the folder which stores the world files
  • This was named bl_getWorldDir before BlockLauncher 1.4.5


function Level.getWorldName();
  • This returns the world name stored in the world files
  • Accepts no parameters
  • This was named bl_getWorldName before BlockLauncher 1.4.5


function Level.setTile(x,y,z,blockID);

###spawnChicken and spawnCow

function Level.spawnChicken(x,y,z,"image");
function Level.spawnCow(x,y,z,"image");


function destroyBlock(x,y,z,shouldDropItem);
  • Executes exactly the same as the player long-click a block except that there is no progress circle. Particles are also shown.
  • The first 3 parameters are integers.
  • shouldDropItem is boolean (true/false)

##Player ###addItemInventory

function Player.addItemInventory(ID,amount,damage);


function Player.getCarriedItem();


function Player.getEntity();

###getX, getY, and getZ

function Player.getX();
function Player.getY();
function Player.getZ();


function Player.addItemCreativeInv(id,amount,damage);
  • This is the exact same as Player.addItemInventory, except it adds items to the creative inventory.
  • Does not work with custom items and custom blocks.


  • Set Player to able to flying or not
  • 1 To Able , 0 to Disable



function Entity.setNameTag(ent);
  • Set Name Tag in Entites/Mobs Head


function Entity.getAnimalAge(ent);


function Entity.setAnimalAge(ent,age);
  • This sets the specified animal's age
  • Does not work with hostile mobs, or the player


function Entity.getEntityTypeId(ent);

###getPitch and getYaw

function Entity.getPitch(ent);
function Entity.getYaw(ent);

###getX, getY, and getZ

function Entity.getX(ent);
function Entity.getY(ent);
function Entity.getZ(ent);


function Entity.remove(ent);


function Entity.rideAnimal(player,target);


function Entity.setCarriedItem(ent,ID,int,DamageValue);

###setPosition and setPositionRelative

function Entity.setPosition(ent,x,y,z);
function Entity.setPositionRelative(ent,x,y,z);


function Entity.setRot(ent,yaw,pitch);

###setVelX, setVelY, and setVelZ

function Entity.setVelX(ent,vel);
function Entity.setVelY(ent,vel);
function Entity.setVelZ(ent,vel);


function Entity.spawnMob(x,y,z,mobID,"image");


function Entity.setRenderType(ent, type);


function Entity.addEffect(entity, id, duration, amplification, ambient, showParticles);
  • Adds a potion effect to the given mob. Entity passed in must be a mob.

  • Duration is in ticks - so if you want 30 seconds, put in 30*20 or 600 ticks

* Example:

Entity.addEffect(getPlayerEnt(), MobEffect.nightVision, 30*20, 0, false, true);//give player a nightVision effect for 30 sec
  • The list of valid potion effect IDs:


function Entity.removeEffect(entity, id);
  • Removes a potion effect from a mob.


function Entity.removeAllEffects(entity);
  • Removes all potion effects from a mob.



function Block.defineBlock(id,"name","texture",materialSourceId,opaque,rendertype);
  • Creates a custom block with textures and lots of special options with it.
  • The parameter id lets you choose the custom block id, with maximum of 255.
  • The parameter "name" is what you want the item name, although it must be in a string (" ").
  • "texture" lets you choose the texture for the block. To see all the MCPE texture names go to Zhuowei's list of MCPE's texture names.
  • The texture can be also put in an array, formatted like this:
[["bottom texture",type],["top texture",type],["south texture",type],["north texture",type],["west texture",type],["east texture",type]]
  • If you wanted to use a type texture, it's simple! Just put an array into the "texture" param and do the array like this: ["texture name",type]. It's that simple!
  • materialSourceId doesn't really work. If it is not set it will not drop anything when the block is broken but nothing really happens (the noise always is walk over stone but all that will happen I believe is that it will become easier to break with axes for example.
  • The opaque parameter is simple, if it is set to false, then in the inventory it will be displayed as transparent. If true though, then it will have blackness when held.
  • The render types are used to render the block, but something annoying is: the block will still be (in shape) rendered as a full block. If you want to know the render types, go to the render type list and scroll down to block render types.


function Block.setShape(id,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2);
  • Sets the shape of a block.
  • The id parameter lets you specify which block.
  • Use all the x,y,z parameters to show shape.


function Block.setColor(id,color);
  • Sets the color of a block in HTML.
  • id is used to pick the block.
  • To set the color, 1. Use an array like this: [] 2. Use 0x instead of # 3. Only use 6 letters/numbers for the HTML color. Example:


function Block.setDestroyTime(id,time);
  • Sets the destroy time of a block.
  • Does not use seconds per 1 in time. If you need to know the destroy times on blocks in Minecraft, go to the list of block destroy times.


function Block.setExplosionResistance(id,resistance);
  • Sets the explosive resistance of a block.
  • In resistance, the resistance you put in, will be the exact same.
  • The resistance is measured in how many explosions.
  • So for example if you had 15 as it then 15 tnt explosions would destroy it.


function Block.setLightLevel(id,level);
  • Changes how much light the block can dispense.
  • The maximum is 15 in the level parameter.
  • 15 is glowstone brightness and 10 is the brightness of redstone torches.


function Block.setLightOpacity(id,darkness);
  • Changes how much light can pass through the block.
  • The maximum is 10 in the darkness parameter.
  • 0 is the most amount of light can pass through and 10 is the least amount of light that can pass through.


function Block.setRenderLayer(id,renderLayer);
  • Sets transparency on blocks.
  • Render layer 1 is transparent.
  • Render layer 2 is translucent.
  • Render layer 0 is opaque.

##Renderer ###get

function Renderer.get(id)

Returns the renderer object with the given render type.


function Renderer.createHumanoidRenderer()

Creates a new render type with a human model.

Methods and propertes on renderer objects



A read-only variable holding the render type ID for this renderer.



A read-only variable holding the model object for this renderer.

Methods and properties on model objects



Gets the model part by that given name. Currently defined names as of BlockLauncher 1.6.10:

  • head
  • body
  • leftArm
  • rightArm
  • leftLeg
  • rightLeg

Methods and properties on modelPart objects

This API was designed to resemble the Desktop Edition's ModelRenderer object, so documentation on that would help here.


modelPart.setTextureOffset(textureX, textureY, transparent)

Sets the location on the skin file where the texture of this model part should be read from.


modelPart.addBox(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, width, height, depth, scale)

Adds a new box onto the model part.



Removes (clears) a model part.


modelPart.setTextureSize(width, height)


modelPart.setRotationPoint(x, y, z)

Sets the point in which the model part rotates from.